Meal on Wheels: Toy Car with Tiny Camera Captures Hilarious Close-Ups as Hungry Lions Mistake It for Lunch

A remote controlled car is not the first thing an African lion would expect to come across while hunting.

But this lioness decided to take a closer look when the tiny vehicle crossed her path in the wilds of Kenya – even taking a bite to see if it was worth eating.

Curious: A lioness prods at a camera attached to a £40 remote-controlled car used by photographer Chris Bray, 29, to get close up images of wild animals

Curious: A lioness prods at a camera attached to a £40 remote-controlled car used by photographer Chris Bray, 29, to get close up images of wild animals

Inventive: The Australian cameraman assembled this stunning sequence of pictures and footage on as he was leading a two-week photo safari in Kenya in January

Inventive: The Australian cameraman assembled this stunning sequence of pictures as he was leading a two-week safari in Kenya

Lioness takes a bite on car

Taking a bite: The lioness takes a nibble on the car as she holds it between her huge paws

Bad taste

Bad taste: She does not seem to like the taste of the device as she licks her lips afterwards

The device was such a success that Mr Bray even managed to get a stunning image of the inside of a lion’s mouth. The car got a little too close to an elephant which almost destroyed it by treading on it.

Inside a lion's mouth

Jaws: the camera captures the inside of a lion’s mouth as it takes a bite – showing off its teeth


Paws: The camera captured close-up shots of a variety of creatures as they took a closer look. Here, a young lion bats the device with its paw


Bashed: The camera car took some heavy punishment from some of the animals – and was nearly crushed by an elephant

Their usual prey are a variety of types of large mammals, but they prefer wildebeest, impalas, zebras, buffalo, and warthogs in Africa.

Nosey: This inquisitive creature looks determined to work out what the camera car is - giving a close-up view of its nose

Nosey: This inquisitive creature looks determined to work out what the camera car is – giving a close-up view of its nose

Snap: The camera catches a shot of the lion's body as it investigates the top of the toy vehicle

Snap: The camera catches a shot of the lion’s body as it investigates the top of the toy vehicle