Mars’ Stonehenge? Ancient ‘Alien’ Stone Circle Discovered on the Red Planet Sparks Speculation

UFO hunters are claiming to have made the most significant discovery yet on Mars after finding a “version of Stonehenge” on the Red Planet.

“Marshenge” as it has been called (left) and the real Stonehenge

Against all the evidence provided by Nasa, alien conspiracists insist the Red Planet once held an ancient civilisation which was wiped out by a nuclear war.

“Marshenge” is the latest in a string of so-called discoveries of pyramid-like structures, “ancient statues” and other ruins that the ET researchers claim to have found in Nasa images of the Martian surface since they began being beamed back by space probes from the 1970s.

But they do not appear to have been as excited about any of them as the new “monolith structure”.

Scott C Waring of UFO Sightings Daily said: “This is something remarkable.

It’s two circles of rocks and one square in its centre.”

He even claimed to have seen similar structure in other Nasa images.

He said: “(It is) always a circle. Sometimes with big rocks, sometimes smaller, but always on small hills.”

YouTube channel Mister Enigma described the discovery – first revealed on Facebook by the page Journey to the Surface of the Mars as “insane.”

In a video about Marshenge on YouTube, the computer video narrator said: “A perfectly circular platform with a strange cluster of stones emerging from it.

“It looks eerily similar to what we have located here on Earth in Amesbury, Wiltshire, known as Stonehenge

Are these the remains of an ancient stone circle or just eroded rocks?

Mysterious: Stonehenge in Wiltshire

Rings have been added to the image to show a “circular” nature to the rocks

We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. Could the builders of Stonehenge have visited Mars and did they build the same thing there? Or did we have visitors teach us how to build these things and do the same for long-lost beings on Mars as well.

I know the formation is not an exact match, nor am I saying it is, indeed, a Stonehenge set up.

“I am just saying there is something strange about this area and it looks very much like the mysterious ancient stone circle of Stonehenge.”

There are seveal theories for what Stonehenge was built for including ancient astronomy or astrology, as the stones were lined up with significant events in the planets’ orbits.

The video added: “Just look at it and make up your own mind.

“Could the builders of Stonehenge have visited Mars and did they build the same thing there?

“Or did we have visitors teach us how to build these things and do the same for long-lost beings on Mars as well?

“Or is this just another face on Mars illusion?”

Nasa currently has its Curiosity Rover 4WD droid scouring the Red Planet surface and it has yet to send back details of any ruins or evidence of any life forms, let alone intelligent civilisations.

The US space agency explains all the discoveries made by alien hunters in the rover’s and other orbiting probe’s pictures as the effects of pareidolia – an optical illusion when the brain tricks the eyes into seeing familiar objects, shapes and things such as faces in textures or patterns like on a rocky surface