Loving Dog Returns to Shelter One Year After Adoption, Looking for a New Home with Tears in His Eyes

When a puppy is adopted, everyone at the shelter hopes that its story ends with “and he lived happily ever after,” but unfortunately this doesn’t always happen.


Roland, now christened Shorty, lived for a time at the Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Conroe, Texas, after being rescued from the streets.

The furry friend stayed there until he was two years old, when a couple became interested in him and wanted to take him home.

In 2019, Shorty weighed just over 18 kilograms. The furry one was a bit overweight but not to the point where the situation compromised his health.

That’s why the caretakers didn’t hesitate to share his photos on social media and then interested people started writing.

Little is known about that year when the dog was outside the shelter, but in 2020 Shorty reappeared there with a radical change.

Apparently, Shorty’s owners went through some economic problems as a result of the pandemic: they had lost their jobs and their homes. These people were forced to sleep on the street, inside a vehicle, and barely had enough to eat.

Shorty was very weak and the owners were forced to make the decision to return him. Perhaps they did it a little late, but the shelter decided to take him in and pray that not everything was lost with the little dog.

Jamie understood that his former owners had been through a lot of hardships, but he didn’t understand how they could have allowed the little dog to get into that state.

As the days passed, the little dog grew stronger and surprised Jamie by standing up.

The little dog showed that he had an incredible spirit and the strength that many people sometimes lack. Shorty was able to recover in a month of care and regained more than 15 kilograms in those 30 days.