Live Feed Mystery: UFO on ISS Stream Slows, Halts, Changes Course, Piquing Curiosity with its Unpredictable Movements

ISS live cam recorded an unknown object that certainly wasn’t a meteor or space junk.

The object comes into view of the ISS camera while flying at high speed, then it slows down its speed until it totally stops. After a while the object moves on and changes it s direction twice before it disappears into space

Since the object makes several maneuvers, it also cannot be a satellite. this is clearly a secret man-made or extraterrestrial craft which is under intelligent control.


UFO experts claim a mysterious object captured flying past the International Space Station (ISS) on NASA’s live feed is actually an “alien cylinder”.

Baffling footage shows the item suddenly appearing out the window of the space station, getting closer before fading away.

The bizarre object is seen emerging out of the darkness

The white oblong-shape moves towards the space station

Conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring, who runs UFO Sightings Daily, shared the footage, writing: “I noticed a UFO in the distance that was coming closer and closer to the space station.

“The UFO was partially cloaked, which made it look transparent.

“In the deep blackness of spaces, blending into the environment means you will be safer from other alien species that may not be friendly.”

The cylinder then starts to fade, with UFO experts claiming it could have alien stealth technology

But the claims have been disputed by “debunking” experts, who insist it is just a “lens flare”.

Scott Brando tweeted: “Don’t be fooled by latest #video shared by Scott C. Waring, the ‘alien cylinder’ is just a lens reflection.”