Lions and Lionesses Cling to a Tree, While Two From Below Look Longingly At Them, Searching for a Place

This pride of lions clearly subscribe to ‘the more the merrier’, as six of them were seen climbing into the top of a small tree in Tanzania.

The lions and lionesses were seen climbing up into the tree and somehow managed to all fit onto the branches as two looked on longingly from below.

King of the hill: A pride of lions completely take over the small tree in Tanzania

Senior field guide Adas Shemboko captured the moment as he drove across the park with visitors earlier this month.

Mr Shemboko, 45, said: ‘It was a wonderful thing to experience. It doesn’t happen all that often during the day time when it’s hot – lions are very lazy and tend to sleep during the day.

Come join me: One lioness climbs up into the tree and others in her pride come running to join her in the treetop

Room for more? The pride all scramble to get up into the tree and find a space on the branches

Tight fit: While six of the lions manage to get up into the tree, two are left belog

Adas said: ‘As I was driving along from afar I could see the lions in the air.