Leopard in Flight: Captivating Photos Capture Female Big Cat Soaring from Tree to Ambush Impalas Below

They may be the smallest of the big cats, but when it comes to hunting skills, leopards knock spots off the opposition. These dramatic pictures show a female flying from high in a tree to attack unsuspecting impalas below.

The images were captured by Peter Geraerdts at South Luangwa National Park in Zambia.

I see you! The leopard spots its lunch from about 40ft below

He said: ‘Around this time of year antelope have to find another source of food, when the grass is stripped, and one source is sausage tree flowers.

Take off! She launches herself, plunging with deadly intent


I see you! The leopard spots its lunch from about 40ft below (left). She launches herself, plunging with deadly intent (right)

A split second from doom: Tucking in her legs, she gets ready to land on top of her prey

A split second from doom: Tucking in her legs, she gets ready to land on top of her prey (left), but the impala has no idea of its fate

But the impala has no idea of its fate

‘Leopards know this, so some of them perch themselves on a high branch and wait for the antelope to come and feed.’

The leopard sinks her fans into the impala's neck and it is dead within seconds, Peter Geraerdts said

The leopard sinks her fans into the impala’s neck and it is dead within seconds, Peter Geraerdts said