Last night, a miracle happened after Jupiter’s approach to Earth since 1963

As the largest planet in our solar system, the gas giant will be on the opposite side, i.e. Earth directly between the sun and the sun.A NASA spokesperson said the space agency originally said Jupiter would come closest to Earth in 70 years, but corrected that claim after discovering the error.

According to NASA, there will be approximately 367 million miles (590.6 million kilometers) between Earth and Jupiter. The space agency says Jupiter is about 600 million miles (965.6 million kilometers) from our planet. Webb’s near-infrared camera (NIRCam) images objects in the near-infrared range of 0.6 to 5 microns, so Neptune does not appear blue to Webb In fact, methane gas absorbs red and infrared light so strongly that the Earth is very dark at these near-infrared wavelengths except where high-altitude clouds are present This cloud of methane ice is distinguished by bright streaks and patches that reflect sunlight before being absorbed by methane gas The James Webb Space Telescope captures a sharp image of Neptune and its ringsAccording to EarthSky, Jupiter opposes approximately every 13 months, which is the time Earth takes to orbit the sun relative to Jupiter.Neither Earth nor Jupiter orbits the sun in perfect circles, so each is opposed at a slightly different distance, said Ray, who is also a research scientist for NASA’s Europa Assessment and Detection Radar: Ocean to Near Surface, or right. How to watchNASA says Jupiter will appear brighter and larger in the sky, making the event a great opportunity to catch a glimpse.The gas planet will rise at sunset and appear pearly white to the naked eye, said Patrick Hartigan, professor of physics and astronomy at Rice University in HoustonUsing binoculars or a telescope, you will be able to see the planet’s wavelengths, according to NASAAstronomers can also see three or four of Jupiter’s moons, including Europa, Ray saidThese craters formed in September, on May 5, 2021, NASA’s InSight rover detected a meteoroid hitting Mars for the first time. This color-enhanced image taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter highlights impact-disturbed dust and soil in blue, making details easier to see with the human eye Hear the sound of a space rock hitting Mars”Since working on the spacecraft that we’re going to send to the Jupiter system to explore Europa,” she said, “I’m always excited to see Jupiter or even Europa in person.”

Saturn and Mars will also be visible, Hartigan said, so try to spot those planets while observing Jupiter’s opposition.