Husky Becomes Mom To A Stray Kitten After Saving Her Life

Rosie came into their lives when she was only two weeks old. Starving and so tiny, they didn’t know if the kitten would make it, even though they were caring for her 24 hours a day.

The two sisters had been rescuing cats their entire lives and were willing to rescue Rosie. But the kitten was so weak and lethargic that she required feedings every two hours.

They tried their best to save Rosie, but soon the frail kitten that was failing before their eyes would no longer accept milk. The sisters knew she was dying, and they tried everything they could think of to help her.

In a last-ditch effort to try to save Rosie, they placed the kitten with their dog, Lilo. Lilo had shown an interest in Rosie and immediately began to mother the tiny cat. Rosie snuggled right up with Lilo and after a couple of hours of cuddling, Rosie finally accepted milk.

Lilo never left Rosie’s side and became the kitten’s mother. Rosie got stronger under the care of sweet Lilo and began to thrive. The two were inseparable. Because of Lilo, Rosie is alive today and the two are more than friends.

The sisters have a rule that they must adopt out every cat they rescue because it would be impossible to keep them all. But in Rosie’s case, they made an exception because it would have been impossible to separate her from Lilo.

Now Rosie is all grown up, but Lilo still thinks she is her mother. She and the cat go on all sorts of adventures, including trips to the park and kayaking. It’s a normal part of Rosie’s life to go everywhere her dog mom goes, even swimming!

Rosie loves adventure and Lilo helps her through all her challenges. And even though Rosie is now independent, she tolerates Lilo treating her as if she is still a helpless kitten who needs lots of attention.

From homeless to living her best life, Rosie is now a healthy and happy big kitty. She is not a typical cat and because of her relationship with Lilo gets to experience a lot of amazing things that other cats never get to do.

The two are best friends and have taught each other a lot. They can also teach us a lot about how even though we’re all different, we can still get along and love each other. We hope you like their sweet story. As always, please feel free to share it with your friends.