“Hold on! I’m here” – Bikers Stop to Rescue Fox Tangled in Barbed Wire, Showing True Compassion and Kindness on the Open Road

Sirius Black once said that you can tell a lot about a person not by how they treat their equals but by how they treat their inferiors.


while this bit of wisdom comes from a fictional character, it is no less true. How we treat those who can do nothing for us in return says a lot about who we are.


Of course, this doesn’t just apply to our treatment of other humans, but of animals as well.

Kindness doesn’t cost us a thing – that is why we should always be kind to others because we never know when a helping hand might make a world of difference to somebody in need.

Two bikers did exactly that when they stopped to help a fox who had become trapped in the barbed wire of a fence.

Watch the Video:

They could have easily kept on going, leaving it to be someone else’s problem, but instead, they stopped to do the right thing.

Working together, they were able to save the little animal from a miserable end and set it free to go back into the wild.

They didn’t get anything in return, but seeing the fox free to continue on its way was thanks enough for them. They even cheered when they released it! And that is seriously the level of kindness that this world needs more of.