High-Stakes Ambush: Lion Stealthily Stalks a Sleeping Leopard, Launching a Sudden Attack That Leads to a Shocking Twist

This is the heart-pounding moment a prowling lion sneaks up on a dozy leopard in an unusual encounter between two of the world’s big cats.

Out on the hunt at the Sabi Sands private game reserve in South Africa the lion was spotted by guests out in the distance.

In this jungle it is the leopard who sleeps tonight, meanwhile the lion is wide awake

Guests at the Sabi Sands private game reserve in South Africa watched on as a lion crept up on his fellow big cat

Remarkably the lion decided to creep up on his fellow cat, although it is not unprecedented for the two to meet, and fight.

And the lion had just such a plan in mind, attacking the leopard while it slept.

His ‘prey’ jumped into the air and off the ledge in shock, before making its escape.

Matthew Poole, a guide at the park, watched the scene play out and captured the intense moment on camera.

‘By far the rarest sighting in my guiding career!’ he said.

Matthew was out on a drive searching for leopards on October 4 and watched one of the leopards walking along the banks of the Sand river marking its sent.

‘I said to my guests ”Can you imagine if these 2 dominant males came together”.

‘It seemed as if my words weren’t cold because shortly after that the male leopard went to sleep and the lion started to stalk him from the other side of the river,’ added the 26-year-old.

The leopard jumped into the air in shock and began swiping away at its disturber

A rare scene, although it is not unprecedented for the two cats to meet, and fight

Fortunately the lion didn’t kill the leopard, but it did scare the living daylights out of it

Matthew also described the unfolding scene, where there was ‘a lot of excitement and nerves building’ as the lion moved in to pounce.