Heartwarming Rescue: Woman Saves Tiny, Injured Baby Owl and Experiences the Ultimate ‘Disney Moment’ in an Unforgettable Encounter

Millions of animals are victims of neglect, disease, hunger and being run over every day. So even if you can’t adopt a new friend, helping them get healthy and find a home can make all the difference.

Nikki Robinson was packing her belongings, about to return home after a walk. Suddenly, she noticed a cat crossing the street into a residential area. The woman immediately followed it, worried that it would not be hit by a car.

As the conservationist followed the cat’s footsteps, another noise caught her attention. It was another animal in danger, a tiny baby owl, too young to fly, who had fallen to the ground from the top of her nest, becoming seriously injured.

Robinson searched frantically for the owl’s home, but to no avail. The little bird was shaking with fear and cold, so the woman wrapped it in a towel. It also seemed to have a serious head injury.

Robinson turned on the seat heater in his car and placed the owl on top, hoping to warm him up a bit and stop him from shivering. But not only was he cold, it was abundantly clear to Robinson that what he needed most was love and attention.

Robinson took the baby owl to a rehabilitation center and, after spending an entire night in an incubator, its health began to improve noticeably.