Meet Marcus grown-up tiger that was initially bought as a pet, however when he came to be too huge to manage, he was donated to a breeder.
When he was rescued, he was provided his very first open bath, and he definitely loved it!
” This was like a youngster swimming for the first time. But this was an adult tiger experiencing something he had actually never experienced before.”.
” Marcus ran right up to that tank to investigate it. Sniff it caretakers placed floating timber in there simply to encourage him to engage.”.
” It was within seconds he had jumped into the water completely up to his neck, and man, was he having a good time?”.
Years of being confined to a small cage on a hard surface were incredibly hazardous to his joints and spine.
” He was playing with the hose that was still filling the pool, biting at, playing at splashy. He loved the toys in his pool. He loved the water.”.
” I think he was waiting for that swimming pool his whole life. This is probably his best day ever before. We received a phone call that several big cats needed a house.”.
” When we first met Marcus, he was in this mud pit, kennel pacing quite a bit. He was anxious. He was underweight, and he had open wounds.”.
” It was time to take him home to the sanctuary when he was launched right into the new habitat. Wow, it was simply incredible.”.