Two lions maul and play with a baby antelope for 20 minutes before they eventually kill the terrified animal in harrowing footage filmed from less than 100 feet away.
In the footage, the male lion first chases the kudu antelope, tapping the creature’s hind with its huge paw.

A male lion chases the kudu antelope, batting the creature’s hind with its huge paw, in Addo Elephant Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa

A lion and a lioness gently bat their prey with their paws and lick its body as the helpless creature squeals

The kudu tries to get away but the lion and lioness swiftly trap it again, keeping it firmly in their grasp
The footage then cuts to show the male and female lion leaning over the wriggling creature who makes a sudden bid for freedom.

Instead of biting down, the lioness gently licks the kudu’s back while keeping it trapped so it can’t escape
The male lion then pats its prey’s ear with one paw and strokes the terrified animal’s head.

The male lion pats its prey’s ear with one of its paws and softly strokes the terrified animal’s head
With the kudu hanging limply from its jaw, the lion walks with its prey before dumping it on the grass.

The kudu tries to run away again and this time the two predators are ready to tuck in. The lion bites one of the kudu’s hind legs as the lioness turns her attention to its shoulders

With the kudu antelope hanging limply from its jaw, the lion walks with its prey before dumping it on the grass