Heartbroken Boy Parts with Beloved Pitbull to Save Him from Abuse: A Tearful Goodbye in the Shelter’s Shadow

The fact that a devastated child is forced to have to abandon his best friend in life, his beloved little dog, to save him from the evil of his own father, breaks our hearts with pain.

It was the sad case faced by the volunteers of the Xollin shelter, located in San Juan Teotihuacáп, in the State of Mexico.


The poor little boy preferred to leave his little dog René in a shelter to give him the opportunity to stop suffering so much abuse.

After asking his mother for help, they found the Xollin shelter, where they went with the sweet puppy.

They put him inside a cardboard box along with the furry boy’s favorite toy, and a heartbreaking letter written by the little boy that left everyone in the shelter heartbroken.

The moving letter said the following:

«My name is Andrés and I am 12 years old. My mom and I decided to leave it in your hands, secretly from my dad, because he was thinking of selling it, but he mistreated him and kicked him a lot. One time, he kicked him so hard that he hurt his little tail. I hope you can help him, take care of him and love him as much as I do. I left him the stuffed animal of him so that he would never forget me.

With indescribable pain, mother and son had to say goodbye to René, who is also the most adorable puppy in the world. Although it was too painful, they knew that it would definitely save his life.

About that bitter experience, the shelter reported on its networks:

«They left us this little dog outside the shelter, inside a box, with a note and a stuffed animal. With all that burden of desperation they left him to us to be saved. “We have to take him to the doctor to check his tail, since it appears to be fractured, deworm him and start with his health.”

Already at the shelter, the volunteers decided to put their soul, heart and life into this case that broke the hearts of millions online. René’s tail needed a lot of care, so they gave him treatment, vaccinated him and sterilized him.

René became part of one of the more than 100 dogs sheltered in the shelter

The overwhelming story of René and his little owner became popular and was shared thousands of times. And immediately, nearly 300 adoption applications arrived at the shelter.

Some time later the shelter shared beautiful images of René smiling his heart out on a walk with a foster family.

René finally knew love and true happiness, sure that he will never see a hand or a foot on his little body again.

Even though adoption requests flooded in, the shelter has remained very cautious, since most people got carried away by the fever that the story became ⱱігаɩ. But in reality, they doubt that they will be committed and are afraid of breaking René’s heart again.

It is only a matter of time before the perfect family for René appears. It is very sad that these two friends had to separate because of an abusive adult. Let’s send blessings to the mother and the little one, they were very brave!