Heartbreaking Video Shows Abandoned Puppy, Just Months Old, Lying in Park Desperately Without Aid from Anyone

Unfortunately, not all people are empathetic towards four-legged friends. Some of them are totally indifferent to their suffering.

For example, a poor puppy just a few months old was lying on the ground, unable to move and extremely weak. Everyone ignored him, no one approached him, until two good volunteers found him.

One morning, a kind-hearted man helps a puppy in poor health. The little boy was lying on the ground in the park, he no longer had any strength. It was clear that he was very ill, his disheveled fur, his dull eyes and his downcast gaze were clear signs.

He didn’t even have the strength to react to the man’s attentions, as if he had somewhat lost hope of saving himself.

So, the rescuers, worried about the little one, first offered him food and water and then took him to the veterinary doctor to get a diagnosis, but above all treatment. Luckily, rescuers arrived just in time to save his life. Probably, indeed, certainly if they hadn’t intervened the little one wouldn’t still be alive.

Not only was the puppy saved, but he also found a family, loving people who love him and take care of him.

The whole story of this sweet little one is summarized in a video, published by the Rescue Missison HT account, which has obtained more than 250 thousand views, moving the entire web.

Luckily, good people like these rescuers still exist, otherwise there would have been nothing that could be done for the poor puppy.

But the question is: how can you ignore such a tender being in difficulty? Their hearts are pure and kind and they should receive all the love in the world, not be ignored.