Heartbreaking Transformation: Dramatic Before and After Images of Lurcher Found Starving and Flea-Infested, RSPCA’s Worst Neglect Case

Dramatic before and after images show the amazing transformation of a rescue dog after it was found covered with fleas and to the point of starvation in the ‘the worst case of neglect’ ever seen by an RSPCA inspector.

Heartbreaking photos show Maisie looking very thin with her ribs clearly on show and patched up with bandages along her tail and around one of her bony legs

Heartbreaking photos show Maisie looking very thin with her ribs clearly on show and patched up with bandages along her tail and around one of her bony legs

But in a stunning turnaround, recent photos show that Maisie has gained weight and is on the road to recovery after being fostered by dog trainer Sarah Livesey.

But in a stunning turnaround, recent photos show that Maisie has gained weight and is on the road to recovery after being fostered by dog trainer Sarah Livesey

But in a stunning turnaround, recent photos show that Maisie has gained weight and is on the road to recovery after being fostered by dog trainer Sarah Livesey

Amy spoke of when she first discovered Maisie in her shocking condition, and said: ‘At first, I thought she was dead.

Maisie was taken to a local vets, who discovered Maisie had reached the point of starvation and was covered in fleas

Maisie was taken to a local vets, who discovered Maisie had reached the point of starvation and was covered in fleas

Her muscles were also wasting away and her body temperature was so low it wasn’t registering on a thermometer.

Shocking photos taken when Maisie was first found show her curled in a ball and unable to move because of how rake thin she was

Shocking photos taken when Maisie was first found show her curled in a ball and unable to move because of how rake thin she was

‘She was already so far gone.’

The harrowing images show the appalling condition Maisie was found in, with patches of fur missing on her emaciated body

The harrowing images show the appalling condition Maisie was found in, with patches of fur missing on her emaciated body