Heartbreaking Tale: Lost Dog Yearns to Return Home, Only to Face Rejection from His Family. A Dramatic Story of Abandonment and Unfathomable Heartache Unfolds

There is nothing stronger for animal lovers than seeing a little dog wandering alone and disoriented wandering the streets. Unfortunately, this is a strong reality that a large number of furry children must face, some with luck, manage to be rescued and have the happy ending they deserve.


This is the story of Bobi, a little dog who was found wandering near a train station in Romania. When he was first seen by Howl Of A Dog volunteers, he was walking along the train tracks, looking very sad. and hungry.

Although Bobi was very shy, he trusted the rescuers and little by little he approached them. Upon briefly checking him, they noticed that he had an injury to one of his eyes and was lame.

At the clinic they examined him and after scanning him they discovered that he had a microchip, it is possible that his family was desperate looking for him and had not heard from him for a long time.

The staff at the rescue center were able to determine that the dog had escaped from home, and at the time of being rescued he was about 16 kilometers away from what was once his home.

The rescue center began a great campaign to find him a new family, people willing to love him unconditionally. Bobi was entering his golden years and had become blind in his left eye.

Even though he is an older dog, he still has a lot of energy and is very playful. For a while Bobi was in a foster home, there he discovered what it felt like to be a loved and completely happy puppy.

Bobi spends his days surrounded by lots of love and enjoying time with his adopted brothers, Jackson and Bo, two beautiful Australian shepherds with whom he has become inseparable.

This sweet little dog adapted very well to his new home.

You will find the most beautiful look in the world in the eyes of a rescued dog. Remember that true love can heal even the deepest wound from the past.