Heartbreaking Scene: Trembling, Hairless and Embarrassed, Puppy Begs for Help While Hiding Under a Car

The fate of a neglected dog without any hair can be really uncertain. There are many people who, upon seeing the physical appearance, even in animals, pass by belittling them, without even offering them the opportunity to be touched and transformed by love.


Karla Solís was the woman who decided to give him all the help he needed. The little dog was bald, hungry and trembling with fear. It was evident that he did not like contact with people, understandably, his past had marked him.

His condition was truly pitiful; at first glance you could see that he had multiple skin infections. Solís decided to take him to a veterinarian where he was diagnosed with severe scabies and Ehrlichia, a tick-borne disease.

That’s when Solís contacted Becky Moder, an activist who transports vulnerable animals from Mexico to shelters in the United States. Eliot’s treatment was quite expensive, so Becky had to use some of her savings to pay for the medical fees.

It didn’t take long for sweet Eliot to win the heart of a couple who were looking for an older, calm and very sweet dog. Kim Forest and her boyfriend saw him at The Barking Lot Rescue, an animal rescue in El Cajon, California.

Everyone who sees the images of Eliot’s transformation even judges that they have been fooled into thinking they are photos of another dog. But both the shelter and his new family assure that he is the same dog, only changed thanks to love. Is awesome!