Heartbreaking Scene: Orphaned Baby Elephant Mourns Mother’s Death, Slain by Poacher’s Poisoned Spear

This is the heartbreaking moment that an orphaned baby elephant mourns the death of her mother after she was killed for her ivory tusks by a poacher’s poisoned spear.

In the footage, the traumatised animal, named Roi, is seen standing over her mother’s dead body following the brutal raid.

This is the heartbreaking moment than an orphaned baby elephant mourns the death of her mother after she was killed by a poacher’s poisoned spear for her ivory tusks

In the footage, the traumatised animal, named Roi, is seen standing over her mother’s dead body in Kenya’s Masai Mara National Park

The young female calf, who was visibly distressed, faced starvation without her mother’s milk

In heart-wrenching scenes, the baby elephant looks lost as she waits to be rescued from the national park

Just 24 hours earlier, the endangered animals had been photographed playing happily together

The 10-month-old orphan temporarily joined another herd, but faced starvation without her own mother’s milk.

Luckily, Roi was later taken to safety after a dramatic rescue by wildlife experts.

Luckily, the distressed 10-month-old orphan – who faced starvation without her mother’s milk – was dramatically rescued and taken to safety

In a complex operation, the youngster was manoeuvred away from the herd, tranquillised and put on a plane

This is the rescue operation which took place after Roi was left orphaned following her mother’s death

‘The older elephants paid her attention and provided her with the love and affection she craved and missed.

She joined a new herd after her mother’s death but would have starved without her mother’s milk

Roi was soon taken to The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi National Park, where trained keepers are now caring for her

Mr Brandford said: ‘Arriving as a fragile baby, Roi would not have survived without our intervention and she has now been afforded a second chance.

Now at the orphanage, she joins dozens of other orphaned elephants who are also living with their new family

Roi, pictured, is said to have become very attached to her keepers at her new home and was described as a ‘confident little elephant’

She is pictured playing with friends at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage in Nairobi National Park

The trust is hoping to raise £15,000 to save more baby elephants like Roi who are orphaned by poaching