Heartbreaking Scene: Lion Snatches Newborn Zebra from Mother Minutes After Its First Struggle to Stand

This is the brutal moment a hungry lion pounced on a newborn zebra and killed it within moments of the foal standing up for the first time.

The brutal footage was captured by American tourist Mckenna Wentworth who was on a safari in south-west Kenya with her parents.

The brutal footage, which saw the lion pounce on the newborn, was captured by Mckenna Wentworth while travelling on a safari in south-west Kenya with her parents

The brutal footage, which saw the lion pounce on the newborn, was captured by Mckenna Wentworth while travelling on a safari in south-west Kenya with her parents

The mother zebra can be seen standing in the middle of a field beside its newborn foal, which is lying on the ground, with a herd of wildebeest in the background

The mother zebra can be seen standing in the middle of a field beside its newborn foal, which is lying on the ground, with a herd of wildebeest in the background

Speaking about the event, Mckenna said: ‘I fully understand the circle of life and that everyone has to eat, but the way the lion just walked up and broke the zebra’s neck was brutal.

The 70-pound baby slowly emerges from its amniotic sac before struggling to its feet and taking its first tentative steps

‘I was in complete shock. I’m a huge animal person and I’m also a vegetarian. The idea of seeing anything die is just heartbreaking.

‘It all started when we noticed from a distance that some other animals were acting strange, so our tour guide drove closer and we saw that the mother zebra was in labour.

Just minutes later the lion suddenly bounds into shot and heads straight for the helpless newborn

Just minutes later the lion suddenly bounds into shot and heads straight for the helpless newborn

It breaks the foal's neck with its four-inch-long teeth before dragging its prize away to the audible gasps of the safari party watching

It breaks the foal’s neck with its four-inch-long teeth before dragging its prize away to the audible gasps of the safari party watching

‘The lion waited about thirty minutes, but he just couldn’t resist and walked right up and ate the baby.