Heartbreaking Plea: Little Dog Walks with a Sign Asking for Help – “Please Help Me, My Owner Passed Away”

A little dog with a sign hanging on a collar around his neck asking for help moved all the passers-by and moved thousands of people online because of the emotional story behind it.

The staff of an animal shelter, “Huellitas Felices”, in Peru, were contacted by local residents alerting them about the dog that was wandering on the street near a municipal market in Santa Anita.

The humble merchants noticed that their strategy to try to help him get adopted was not working, so they went to the animal shelter. Although they watched over him, no one could take him home.

The puppy was diagnosed with a condition in one of his eyes, anemia and erlichia, a disease transmitted by the bite of an infected tick. Also, they launched a campaign to find someone who would be willing to adopt him.

“They tell us that his owner was a street vendor at the Andahuaylas market in Santa Anita and Chester was very depressed by her loss and got sick because he was not well fed,” said Nataly Oblitas, manager of the “Huellitas Felices” shelter.

They explained in a statement through their social networks that the dog was very happy and pampered. Also, they shared images that touched the hearts of many people around the world.

Fortunately, Chester has recovered, underwent surgery to cure his advanced glaucoma, and has moved on.

Thanks to the solidarity of many, Chester’s destiny changed forever and despite the sad episodes he has experienced, he will be able to spend his days surrounded by all the love he deserves.