Heart-Wrenching Discovery: Tourists Find Starving Dog Curled Up in Mud, Fighting for Its Life (VIDEO)

Not all owners are loving towards their animals. Some of them don’t see them as family members, but as objects to get rid of when you no longer want to keep them.

This is exactly what happened to this dog, who after the sad disappointment of abandonment, decided to let go and abandon himself. The poor dog was all on himself, in the middle of the muddy ground

The little boy was dying of hunger and thirst, but he no longer had the strength to fight. Luckily, before it was too late, a couple of tourists who were passing by found him and called for help.

One day, a couple traveling through South Florida noticed something unusual in the Broward County Everglades. A poor creature moaned in the dark, wrapped in mud. It was immediately obvious that it was a dog. Dirty and desperate, he showed no interest in human contact. It was clear that it had been abandoned and looked extremely weak.

Aware that time was running out, the couple realized that they had to intervene promptly to save the poor animal. However, despite their efforts, they struggled to find help for several hours, but no one came to their rescue.

Finally, after hours of waiting, the police arrived. Sheriff’s deputies provided the dog with food and water to sustain him during transport.

Subsequently, the animal was entrusted to Dezzy’s Second Chance Animal Rescue, an organization dedicated to rescuing animals in need. The dog, named Powder, underwent emergency medical treatment.

Veterinarians diagnosed a serious skin infection and the need for eye surgery. Despite the difficulties, thanks to the loving care of the Powder team he gradually recovered his health and confidence.

Today, he is a joyful dog full of life, enjoying his existence with his new loving family, ready to give him all the affection he deserves.