He Collapsed with a Broken Heart and Leg, Waiting a Year for Help Until Someone Finally Saved Him

Although they have big hearts and seem to always be full of energy, the loving little dogs also lose hope in life and become disappointed in humanity when they are subjected to the worst treatment.

Just like Bean, a sad little bull terrier dog of just two years old, who was rescued from the streets of Bishop Lavis, Cape Town, South Africa by volunteers from the Sidewalk Specials shelter.

It was obvious from his posture and expressions that he had given up, he didn’t want to live anymore. He laid down on the street, hoping that a human would be kind enough to help him, but as time went on, he began to lose hope.

Cuando el corazón de Bean estaba casi en mil pedazos, fue encontrado por voluntarios de buen corazón que no podían creer su terrible estado y rápidamente corrieron a ayudarlo.

Para ganarse la confianza del perrito, los voluntarios se acercaron lentamente y le proporcionaron comida, hace mucho no era alimentado y, aunque un poco renuente, no pudo resistirse a comerla.

They put a rope around him to better control the situation. They then lifted him up with a blanket, put him in a car and took him to the shelter’s clinic.

At the shelter he received treatment and was bathed to rid him of the years of filth and distress. Bean’s past is unknown, but it is clear that he was treated poorly and never shown love.

Despite everything he’s been through, the little dog is extremely friendly and loves other dogs. He wags his tail at everyone he meets and is very grateful to finally be off the streets.

Share this touching story with all your friends and never stop raising your voice for all the animals in need.