Gruesome Series of Images Capture Nature’s Cruelty as Lions Kill a Pregnant Buffalo and Feast on Her Unborn Calf. Other Big Cats Relentlessly Tear at the Buffalo, Extracting and Devouring the Unborn Calf from Its Mother’s Womb.

Nature’s cruelty has been captured in a series of gruesome images showing lions killing a pregnant buffalo and eating her unborn calf.

Harrowing footage shows the lions take down their prey before one latches onto her throat in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe.

Nature’s cruelty has been captured in a series of gruesome images showing lions killing a pregnant buffalo and eating her unborn calf

Attack: Harrowing footage shows a pride of lions take down a female African buffalo in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe

One of the lions clamps its jaws around the buffalo’s neck before three more big cats rip at the animal’s body

The brutal shots were taken by wildlife photographer and tour leader Jeremy Bennett, 43, from Nigeria.

‘The lions had been lying up in some thick bushes,’ he said.

The brutal shots were taken by wildlife photographer and tour leader Jeremy Bennett, 43, from Nigeria

African buffaloes are usually highly capable of defending themselves and have few predators to worry about except humans, large crocodiles and lions

‘Lions will typically go for the soft tissue and organs first and so one lioness had started eating the back end during the suffocation.’

The lions were merciless as they ripped at the buffalo’s body, eventually pulling out her unborn calf and devouring it

The tour guide, who shot the pictures with a Canon 7D, was shocked at the attack but said it was the lion’s lucky day

The safari expedition in Zimbabwe turned into a gruesome 90 minute bloodbath as the lions tucked into their prey

‘The next ninety minutes turned into a gruesome blood bath which was hard to watch as the second buffalo was slowly eaten alive.