“From Trash to Treasure” – Cleanup Crew Discovers a Breathing, Fragile Life Among the Rubbish, Sparking a Heartwarming Rescue Mission.

The members of the Missouri Stream Teams cleanup crew in Jefferson City know all about finding treasures in the trash. Over the years, they’ve uncovered everything from mannequins to money. But this past March, team members parsing through a cleanup site discovered something that stopped them in their tracks.

dog in trash bag

At first, they mistook the fuzzy lump for a stuffed animal. Then they looked closer and realized the truth.

“What initially looked like a dumped, closed bag of stuffed plush animals was, in reality, a scared, cold, thirsty, hungry, shivering puppy dog,” Missouri Stream Teams wrote.

dog in trash bag

Team members knew exactly what they had to do.

“Immediately, I put my hand on it, and it was warm, and it was alive,” Stream Teams coordination biologist Brian Waldrop told The Dodo. “[I] cradled it, cuddled it, said, ‘Oh, bless you,’ … [I felt] so blessed to have come across this little fella.”

man holding puppy

Despite his circumstances, the puppy had no problem trusting his rescuers.

“He was so warm and gentle,” Waldrop said. “[He had] such a kind demeanor.”

man holding dog

Waldrop quickly got to work organizing care for his new friend. The puppy needed food, water, shelter, veterinary attention and a bath.

“[We] got him to a place where it was warm,” Waldrop said. “We gave him some water, and then I called my wonderful girlfriend and said, ‘Get the kitchen sink ready. I’m bringing something home.’”

white puppy

With a little TLC, the puppy, later named Dude, began to thrive. His dust-covered coat regained its brilliant white shine.

It wasn’t long before Waldrop realized his neighbor was looking to adopt a pet. The circumstances felt like fate.

“He goes, ‘It’s my birthday. And I always wanted a white dog,’ not knowing I already had a white dog coming home,” Waldrop said.

white puppy

Now Waldrop gets to visit Dude all the time. He’s watched the pup transform into the happiest boy.

“He is such a big, warm, gentle … 60-plus pounds of joy,” Waldrop said.