From Trash to Comfort: Puppies, Once Discarded, Find Serenity in Loving Foster Homes

For Stray Rescue of St. Louis the reality they face when they rescue dogs is heartbreaking. But the relief and joy they feel when those dogs settle in with their foster families is immeasurable.

The dogs go from disposable trash to treasured family members. But it’s never easy, as the rescue, based in the city of Missouri, recently shared on Facebook. But in the case of puppies Duds and Suds, the difference a day can make is simply incredible.

Stray Rescue of St. Louis was called to a home where two puppies had been dumped nearby. It was a sad sight. Duds and Suds were shoved inside a small plastic crate that was so small they couldn’t lie down. The puppies were “covered, head to toe, in feces and urine.”

“They were absolutely disgusting,” the group continued. “Beyond being in the crate, they were malnourished and dehydrated.”

“This is reality,” Stray Rescue began on their post, and sharing video of the pair of dogs locked in the crate. “Animals are disposable property. Once you don’t want it anymore, you can just leave it on the side of the road. Drive away and never give it a second thought.”

“But these two SOULS…these heartbeats…have personalities and feelings. They are not trash. They deserve ALL of us to care for them, to worry about them, to love them,” the rescue compassionately wrote.

The two puppies were rushed to Stray Rescue’s shelter where they got warm bubble baths and were checked over.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long for Stray Rescue to line up foster families for Duds and Suds. “They were both picked up within hours for foster where they got to sleep on big dog beds in a home, eat a delicious dinner, and were introduced to toys,” the group posted on Facebook. “They are going to go on to have awesome lives, making the humans around them so happy every day of their life.”