Footage Of 2 Alien Beings Inside A UFO Verified By The Turkish Government

It can be a lot to take in, we know that, but hear us out. Luis Elizondo, a member of the To the Stars Academy that has worked for the U.S. Department of Defense and has recently retired from the Pentagon has recently declared that there is proof out there of alien life forms existing in outer space.

Does that mean that the footage that we have here is real? No, it is okay to have doubts. But, there are plenty of people that believe it to be so and for good reason too.

According to Elizondo and multiple other military officials, the military encounters UFOs on a daily but they’ve been instructed to ignore them or not pay much attention to them to be precise.

The Chilean Air Force case is by far the most interesting one here. They released actual video footage which definitely already sets it above almost every other footage that was released as of yet.

Some believe it’s fake, but the government believes that these “powerful beings” controlled the UFO and used it to oversee the world’s governments. The media has taken this lightly, to our surprise, they didn’t mock or dismiss the case altogether since a governmental figure presented it, so it might have helped legitimize the theory of aliens and UFOs after all regardless of whether it is real or not in the first place.

A MYSTERIOUS set of UFOs spotted above Miami this week, sending social media into a frenzy. After footage of the alleged alien lights recorded more than three million views.

A mysterious UFO sighting in Miami sparked a social media meltdown. After footage of the strange glowing lights in Florida racked up more than three million views. The eerie lights have drawn comparisons to similar UFO sightings this week in Mexico and Texas. Sparking global concern at the strange orbs. The first footage of the Miami lights uploaded to Twitter by lawyer Rogan O’Handley. Who tweeted: “This video is from a friend in Miami. Can anyone explain?”

The clip, which immediately went viral, followed up later by another clip from the same friend documenting the strange sighting.

The first clip recorded more than 2.7 million views. And the latter recorded more than 628,000 views at the time of writing.

In the video, the lights at first appear close together. But then move apart at similar speeds.

There are at least five smaller orbs circling a larger glowing orb in the centre.

The smaller orbs then move away from the larger orb in different directions. And disappear at the end of the short social media clip.

In the second video, a narrator heard saying, “no bulls***”. As he focuses the camera on surrounding buildings. Before zooming in on the bizarre configuration of lights.

With more than 185,000 followers on Twitter. Mr Handley’s videos quickly spread across social media, garnering a stunned reaction.

Popular political commenter Dave Rubin responded to the clip. “”I, for one, welcome our new alien overlords.”Actor and producer Joel Heyman added. “Invasion starting…hopefully.”

Sightings of bright glowing orbs in formations also spotted in Oaxaca, Mexico earlier this week.

Sceptics complained that there wasn’t more footage of the incident. Given it took place in the highly populated city of Miami.

Other UFO experts claimed that the lack of blurring in the footage. As the camera panned to the bright orb is proof that the clips were edited.

Similar appearances took place two days after the Miami sightings in Houston, Texas,

In Texas, several residents captured videos of the mysterious flashing lights. Which hovered in a strange formation

The Houston police department was contacted about reports of the lights but a representative was not available.