E???t’s S?c?n? Kh??? Shi? – F?ll? Exc?v?t??, R???? ??? R??ss?m?l?

A?t?? ????s ?? w??k, ??s???ch??s h?v? n?w c?m?l?t?? th?i? ?xh?m?ti?n ?? ?ll th? ??ti??cts ?? th? S?c?n? Kh??? Shi? ???n? n?xt t? th? P???mi? ?? Kh??? (Ch???s) in Giz?. Th? n?xt st??s ??? ??st???ti?n ?n? ???ss?m?l? s? this si?ni?ic?nt ??ti??ct will ?? ????? ??? visit??s t? ??z? ???n it with ?w? ?t th? G??n? E???ti?n M?s??m.



Exc?v?tin? th? S?c?n? Kh??? Shi? w?s ? M?n?m?nt?l T?sk

E???t T???? ?????ts th?t this m?n?m?nt?l t?sk is th? w??k ?? ?n E???ti?n-J???n?s? ??ch???l??ic?l missi?n which w?s l?? ?? S?k?ji Y?shim???, P??si??nt ?? J???n’s Hi??shi Ni???n Int??n?ti?n?l Univ??sit? ?n? H?n????? P????ss?? ?t W?s??? Univ??sit?. On th? E???ti?n si?? ?? th? ???j?ct th??? is Iss? Zi??n – th? Di??ct?? G?n???l ?? th? Ex?c?tiv? A???i?s ??? R?st???ti?n ?t th? G??n? E???ti?n M?s??m ?n? th? s????vis?? ?? th? ??st???ti?n ???c?ss ?? th? S?c?n? Kh??? Shi?.

Zi??n s??s th?t th? ??ch???l??ic?l t??m ?xt??ct?? ?????xim?t?l? 1,700 w????n ?i?c?s ???m 13 l????s ?? th? ?it wh??? th? S?c?n? Kh??? Shi? w?s ???i??. Th? ??s???ch??s h?v? ?lm?st c?m?l?t?? th? w??k ?? ??c???in? ?n? ??c?m?ntin? ?ll th?s? ?i?c?s ?n? th?i? initi?l ??st???ti?n w??k. T? ??t?, 1,343 ?i?c?s h?v? ???n t??ns?????? t? th? G??n? E???ti?n M?s??m, wh??? th? s?c?n? ?h?s? ?? th? ??st???ti?n w??k c?n ???in.

Th? ??ch???l??ic?l t??m ?xt??ct?? ?????xim?t?l? 1,700 w????n ?i?c?s ???m 13 l????s ?? th? ?it wh??? th? S?c?n? Kh??? Shi? w?s ???i??. ( E???ti?n Minist?? ?? T???ism ?n? Anti??iti?s )

$3m T?w???s th? Shi?’s R?st???ti?n ?n? R??ss?m?l?

Acc???in? t? D?il? N?ws E???t , th? J???n Int??n?ti?n?l C??????ti?n A??nc? is ???vi?in? E???t with ? $3m ???nt ??? th? ?x???ts t? c?m?l?t? th? ?in?l ??st???ti?n w??k ?n? th? ???ss?m?l? ?? th? S?c?n? Kh??? Shi?.

Onc? th? t??m h?s c?m?l?t?? th?i? ?n?l?sis t? ?ss?m?l? th? shi? ?n? th? ?in?l ??st???ti?n w??k is ?inish??, th? S?c?n? Kh??? Shi? will ?? ?xhi?it?? ??si?? th? Fi?st Kh??? S?l?? Shi? in ? n?w ??il?in? ??in? c?nst??ct?? j?st ??? th?m ?t th? G??n? E???ti?n M?s??m.

Th? J???n Int??n?ti?n?l C??????ti?n A??nc? is ???vi?in? E???t with ? $3m ???nt ??? th? ?x???ts t? c?m?l?t? th? ?in?l ??st???ti?n w??k ?n? th? ???ss?m?l? ?? th? S?c?n? Kh??? Shi?. ( E???ti?n Minist?? ?? T???ism ?n? Anti??iti?s )

S????isin? M?t?l H??ks

R?s???ch??s h?v? ???n ?n?l?zin? th? shi? ?n? ??inin? insi?hts ???m it ??? ????s. F?? ?x?m?l?, th? m?t?l h??ks ?isc?v???? ???in? ?xc?v?ti?ns ?? Kh???’s s?c?n? s?l?? ???t n??? th? G???t P???mi? ?? Giz? in 2016 ???v?s th?t ?nci?nt E???ti?ns h?? m?ch m??? ??v?nc?? t?chn?l??? ??? ???t ??il?in? th?n w?s ?nc? ??li?v??.

Acc???in? t? Ph?s.???, ? ?i?c? ?? w??? ??v??l?? ???in? ?xc?v?ti?ns n??? th? G???t P???mi? ?? Giz? sh?? n?w li?ht ?n th? st??? ?? shi? ??il?in? in ?nci?nt E???t. Th? ??ti??ct c?nt?ins th? ?l??st ?x?m?l? ?? wh?n ????l? n??? th? Nil? ?s?? m?t?l in th?i? ???ts. A?ch???l??ists h?v? ??v??l?? th?t th? ci?c?l?? ?n? U-sh???? m?t?l h??ks w??? ?isc?v???? in ?n? ?? th? ?i?c?s ?? ? ???t which w?s ???n? in 1954 ?? K?m?l ?l-M?ll?kh, ?l?n? with th? ??m??s s?l?? shi? ?? Kh???.

M?t?l ?i?c?s ?? th? s?l?? ???t in th? ??st???ti?n l?????t???. ( Ph?s.???)

Th? Si?ni?ic?nc? ?? S?l?? Shi?s

B?th ???ts w??? ?n?ist????? sinc? th? ??? wh?n th?? w??? ???i?? in Giz?. Th?? ??? ??th s?-c?ll?? “s?l?? shi?s”, which w??? ???i?? in ?its n?xt t? ????l ???i?ls. It is ??li?v?? th?t th?? w??? ?s?? ??? ? ?h????h’s ??n???l ?it??ls, ???h??s ?s ? ???t ?? th? ???c?ssi?n. Th?? h?v? ?ls? ???n ??l?t?? t? th? E???ti?n ??li?? ????t t??v?l t? th? ??t??li??.

R? t??v?lin? th????h th? ?n???w??l? in his ??????, ???m th? c??? ?? th? B??k ?? G?t?s in th? t?m? ?? R?ms?s I (KV16). ( P??lic D?m?in )

Th? ?i?c? ?? w??? is 8 m (25 ?t.) l?n? ?n? 40 cm (?lm?st 16 inch?s) wi??. It is ???? c?ntim?t??s (1.57 inch?s) thick. Acc???in? t? M?h?m?? M?st??? A???l-M?????, ?n ???ici?l ???m th? Minist?? ?? Anti??iti?s, it is th? ?i?st ?x?m?l? ?? ? ?i?c? ?? ?n ?nci?nt E???ti?n ???t which c?nt?ins m?t?l ?i?c?s. S?k?ji Y?shim??? s?i? th?t th? h??ks w??? ?s?? “t? ?l?c? th? ????l?s t? ???v?nt ??icti?n ?? w??? ???inst w???”.

Kh?l?? El-En?n?, S?k?ji Y?shim???, ?n? Eiss? Zi??n ins??ctin? th? ???m ?t th? l?????t???. ( Ah??m Onlin? )

Th? s?l?? shi? ?? Kh??? is ?n? ?? th? ?l??st ?n? th? l????st ???ts ?? th? ?nci?nt tim?s. It is 43.6 m?t??s (143 ?t.) l?n? ?n? 5.9 m?t??s (19.5 ?t.) wi??. It is ? m?st???i?c? ?? th? ?nci?nt c???t ?? shi???il?in?.

Disc?v??i?s ?? ?nci?nt E???ti?n ???ts ??? ????, ??t th??? ??? ? ??w w?ll-kn?wn ?x?m?l?s ?? th?s? kin?s ?? ?it??l shi?s. Th?i? ?isc?v??? h?s h?l??? ??s???ch??s t? ?n???st?n? s?m?thin? ????t th? ???ts’ c?nst??cti?n, which w?s simil?? t? th? c???ti?n ?? shi?s ?s?? ?n th? Nil?.

8-Y???-Ol? ‘P?inc?ss’ M?mm? Fin?ll? L?i? t? R?st in H?? H?m? B?livi?

An inc???i?l? w?ll-???s??v?? ?n? ???? ???n? ??m?l? m?mm? is ?in?ll? ??in? ??t??n?? ???m N??th Am??ic? t? h?? ?i?ht??l h?m? in B?livi?.

129 ????s ??t?? ??in? ??n?t?? t? th? Michi??n St?t? Univ??sit? M?s??m (MSU), Ñ?st?, (Q??ch?? ??? ‘??inc?ss’), ? 500-????-?l? m?mmi?i?? Inc? ?i?l h?s ???n ??t??n?? t? th? B?livi?n hi?hl?n?s n??? L? P?z. An? ?cc???in? t? C?lt??? Minist?? Wilm? Al?n?c? this is th? ?i?st tim? th?t ??ch???l??ic?l h?m?n ??m?ins h?v? ???n ????t?i?t?? with th? hi?h-An???n c??nt??.

A???t 8 ????s ?l? wh?n sh? ?i??, ‘P?inc?ss’ w?s ???i?? in ?n ?l??c? w??l ???ss ?n? h?? ?xc?ll?nt st?t? ?? ???s??v?ti?n m??ns th?t th? ???n? ?i?l’s c?????ll? c?m??? ?l?ck h?i? ???i?s ??? ?x?ctl? lik? th?? w??? ?n th?t ??t???l ??? sh? w?s l?i? t? ??st, ?n? in h?? tin? h?n?s sh? ??i?s ? h?n???l ?? sm?ll ???th??s. ʀᴀᴅι?cᴀʀʙ?ɴ t?sts ?? th? m?mmi?i?? ?i?l ??t??min?? th?t sh? liv?? in th? s?c?n? h?l? ?? th? 15th c?nt??? which s?w th? ???iv?l ?? th? S??nish c?n??ist???? F??ncisc? Piz???? G?nzál?z ?n? th? s??s????nt c?ll??s? ?? th? Inc? civiliz?ti?n .

An???n Hi?hl?n?s Anci?nt P?inc?ss

In ?n ??ticl? ?n F?????l N?ws N?tw??k , Willi?m A. L?vis, ?n MSU ?m??it?s ?????ss?? ?? ?nth????l??? wh? w??k?? ??? s?v???l ????s t? ??in? Ñ?st?’s ??m?ins h?m?, s?i? th?t ??s?it? th? ??ct th?t sh? w?s c?ll?? ‘P?inc?ss’, it is n?t ??t kn?wn i? sh? w?s in???? ?? th? ?lit? cl?ss. H?w?v??, th? ?nsw?? t? this ???sti?n will ??c?m? ??????nt ??t?? DNA st??i?s ??t??min? wh?t sh? ?t? ???in? h?? ??w sh??t ????s ?liv? ?n th? ?l?n?t.

Th? m?mm? w?s ??t??n?? t? B?livi? ? ???tni?ht ??? with l??istic?l h?l? ???m th? U.S. ?m?ᴀss? in L? P?z. H?? ?it??listic ??n????? ??j?cts will ?? ?n ?xhi?it in L? P?z ?ntil N?v?m??? 2n?, whil? th? ??m?ins ??? ??in? ???s??v?? in ? ????i????t?? ch?m??? ?t th? N?ti?n?l A?ch???l??? M?s??m in ??wnt?wn L? P?z, B?livi?.

A wh?l? n?w sci?nti?ic st??? will ???in in N?v?m??? t? ??th?? ???th?? ??t? ???m th? m?mm?. Th? sci?ntists t?l? ?????t??s th?t “Still, m?n? m?st??i?s ??m?in ?ns?lv??”.

Th? M?mm? is ?? A?m??? O?i?ins, Inc? S?c?i?ic?

Th? littl? ?i?l w?s ?thnic?ll? ???m th? A?m???, ? n?tiv? ????l? th?t ?l???ish?? t?w???s th? l?t? int??m??i?t? ???i?? ??t?? th? ??ll ?? th? Ti?h??n?c? c?lt??? wh? ??ilt th? cit? ?? Tiw?n?k? with its t?m?l?s incl??in? P?m? P?nk? l?c?t?? n??? L?k? тιтic?c?. Th? A?m??? Kin???m ??v?l???? ??tw??n 1200 AD ?n? 1438 AD, ?t which tim? th?? ??c?? th? milit??? c?ɴQ?ᴇsт ?? th? Inc?s, s? whil? th? littl? ?i?l liv?? in Inc? c?nt??ll?? l?n?s, sh? w?s ???m ? ????? kn?wn ?s th? P?c?j?s, wh? ??min?t?? th? c?nt??l hi?hl?n?s ?t 13,780 ???t (4200 m?t??s) ???v? s?? l?v?l in th? s??thw?st ?? th? D????tm?nt ?? L? P?z, B?livi? .

Th? ???n? ?i?l w?s ??i?in?ll? ?isc?v???? in ? st?n? t?m? ?n? ?n ??ticl? in Th? S?n t?lls ?s th?t sh? w?s ???n? with “s?n??ls, ? sm?ll cl?? j??, ???ch?s, ???th??s, ?n? s?v???l t???s ?? ?l?nts incl??in? m?iz? ?n? c?c?”. S??ci?lists think th?s? it?ms w??? incl???? in th? ???i?l t? h?l? th? ᴅᴇᴀ? t??nsiti?n int? th? n?xt li?? ?n? L?vis s?i? ???h??s th? ?i?l w?s “?n im???t?nt ???s?n”, ??t h? ?ls? s?i? h?? ᴅᴇᴀтн mi?ht h?v? ???n “?n Inc? s?c?i?ic? t? ?????s? ?? ?s ?n ?????in? t? Inc? ??iti?s”.

P?inc?ss M?mm? – D?????? An? м?ʀᴅᴇʀᴇᴅ

Wh?n th? Inc? cl?im?? th? A?m??? Kin???m ??t?? 1438 AD ʀᴇʟιԍι??s ʀιт?ᴀʟs ?n? ?it?s w??? ?v??h??l??, ?n? chil? sᴀcʀιғιcᴇ (Qh???? h?ch?) w?s ???ctic?? ???in? ?n? ??t?? im???t?nt ?v?nts, ??? ?x?m?l?, ???n th? ᴅᴇᴀтн ?? th? S??? Inc? (kin?) ?? whil? st??ck with ? ??min? ?? ??t?? ??v?st?tin? cit?-c?ll??sin? ???th???k?.

Chil???n w??? s?l?ct?? ?s sᴀcʀιғιcᴇ vιcтιмs ??c??s? th?? w??? c?nsi????? t? ?? th? ????st ?? ??in?s ?n? this N?w Y??k Tim?s ??ticl? ?x?l?ins in ??t?il th? ?isc?v??? ?? th??? Inc? chil? m?mmi?s ?n???th?? in 1999 ???m th? 22,000-???t s?mmit ?? M??nt Ll?ll?ill?c?, ? v?lc?n? 300 mil?s w?st ?? L? P?z n??? th? Chil??n ?????? in A???ntin? “?nt?m??? ?n ? ?l??k ?n? ??i?i? m??nt?int?? 500 ????s ??? ?s ? ʀᴇʟιԍι??s sᴀcʀιғιcᴇ”. Sci?ntists kn?w th?t th?s? th??? chil???n ?i?? whil? ?n??? th? in?l??nc? ?? min? ?lt??in? ????s ?n? th?t th?? h?? “???z?n t? ᴅᴇᴀтн ?s th?? sl??t”.