Th? tw? m?mmi?s, c?m?l?t? with ?l?????t?l? ??c???t?? st?n? c???ins, w??? ???n? in Ki?v’s P?ch??sk L?v??.
Als? kn?wn ?s th? M?n?st??? ?? th? C?v?s, th? hist??ic O?th???x Ch?isti?n m?n?st??? ??v??l?? its hi???n t???s???s ???in? ?n ???it.
Th? m?mmi?s w??? ?isc?v???? ???in? ?n ???it

On? ?? th? m?mmi?s is ??t t? ?? i??nti?i??.
Th? 3,000-????-?l? m?mm? ?? ? w?m?n n?m?? M?n?t, ? sin??? in th? t?m?l? ?? Am?n in Anci?nt E???t w?s ?isc?v???? insi?? ?n? ?? th? st?n? c???ins, ?? s??c??h??i.
Ex???ts s?? th? ?in?in? is ?n?s??l ??? t? M?n?t’s h?n?s ??in? ??siti?n?? in ? st?l? c?mm?nl? ?s?? in m?l? ???i?ls.
Acc???in? t? hist??i?ns, h?? h??? w?s ?cci??nt?ll? s?v???? ???m h?? ???? ???in? ??????nt t??ns???t?ti?ns.
A ???? m?mmi?i?? c??c??il? w?s ?ls? ?isc?v???? ???in? th? ???it

A ???? m?mmi?i?? c??c??il? w?s ???n? ???in? th? ???it
Th? s?c?n? m?mm? w?s ?? ? m?l?, wh?s? i??ntit? ??m?ins ? m?st???.
H?w?v??, cl??s ???m his c???in s????st h? w?s ? m?m??? ?? E???t’s ?lit?, with th? ???i?l st?l? c?st?m??? ?? th? 11th ?n? 10th c?nt??i?s BC in Th???s, th? c??it?l ?? ?nci?nt E???t.

Y?vh?n N?sch?k, minist?? ?? c?lt??? ?? Uk??in?, s?i?: “F?? Uk??in?, th?s? kin?s ?? ?in?in?s ??? ? t?st?m?nt t? th? ??ct th?t ??lics ?? ?th?? w??l? civilis?ti?ns ??? st???? ?n ??? t???it???.
“This ?iv?s th? ??ssi?ilit? ??? ? wh?l? sch??l ?? ????t?l??? t? ??v?l??.

“Th? ?in?s will ?? ?xhi?it?? t? ? wi?? ???i?nc?. S??n w?’ll ????nis? ?ith?? ?n this c?m?l?x’s t???it???, ?? in ?n?th?? m?s??m, ? s??ci?l h?ll ??si?n?? with ?ll th? c?n?iti?ns in min? t? ???s??v? th?s? ??t???cts.”
Th? ???? m?mmi?s ??t? ??ck 3,000 ????s
It is ??li?v?? th? m?mmi?s c?m? t? th? Uk??in? in th? s?c?n? h?l? ?? th? nin?t??nth c?nt???.

Th? ?????tt?n ??lics w??? l?st ?xhi?it?? in Ki?v ???in? th? 1970s, ???in? ? tim? wh?n E???ti?n ??t???cts w??? ?s?? in ?th?ist ???????n??.
Acc???in? t? th? Uk??ini?n C?lt??? Minist??, th? m?mmi?s w??? st???? initi?ll? ?t th? Ch??ch A?ch??l??ic?l M?s??m, ?????? ??in? m?v?? t? th? M?s??m ?? Ath?ism – which ?t th? tim? w?s h??s?? ?? K?iv P?ch??sk L?v??.