Dramatic Scene: Hungry Cheetah Cubs Practice Hunting as Baby Antelope Freezes in the Moment It Should Have Run

These amazing photographs, taken in the Masai Mara game reserve in Kenya, show a female cheetah demonstrating to her offspring the vital skill of how to hunt and kill.

Missed opportunity: if only the impala could have made a run for it…

A cheetah mother captures the young fawn only to bring it to her young cubs so they can learn to do the same

Under their mother’s ever-watchful eye, the unskilled hunters search for vulnerable prey in the planes of the reserve.

Under their mother’s watchful gaze the young cubs learn the art of hunting a young antelope

The impala fawn tries to escape as the inexperienced cubs try to pin her down

The experienced hunter corners and catches the prey and brings it to her offspring so they can learn to do the same.

One of the cubs makes a clumsy attempt to pin down the exhausted fawn

The cubs corner the fawn, leaving their mother with little else to do but supervise the kill

Hunting is the most important lesson the cubs can learn from their mother as these skills not only ensure they can hunt for food, but can also teach them how to avoid predators, such as eagles.