Could it devour us? Black hole discovered near Earth

Will we be in danger? Recently, a scientific study revealed that there is an extremely giant black hole near the Earth.

Likewise, the monstrous hole has approximately 12 times the mass of the sun and is located 1,550 light years away, it is presented in the Astrophysical Journal.

See: November will be full of amazing activities for the Earth“It is closer to the sun than any other known black hole, at a distance of 1,550 light-years”; mentioned Sukanya Chakrabarti. “So, it’s practically in our backyard”; he added.

It is worth mentioning that black holes are considered exotic because, although stars and other nearby objects clearly feel their gravitational pull; no light can escape from a black hole.

“In some cases, such as in the case of supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies, they can drive galaxy formation and evolution”; mentions the expert.

The black hole near the Earth is not dynamic“It is not yet clear how these non-interacting black holes affect the galactic dynamics in the Milky Way. If they are numerous, they can affect the formation of our galaxy and its internal dynamics»; he underlined.

In order to find this huge and gigantic black hole, a large number of studies were carried out on the stars of the Milky Way.

“We looked for objects that were reported to have large companion masses but whose brightness could be attributed to a single visible star,” he says. “So you have good reason to think the partner is dark.”

A Doppler shift is the change in the frequency of a wave relative to an observer, much like the pitch of a siren’s sound changes when an emergency vehicle passes.

On the other hand, the black hole must be inferred from the analysis of the motions of the visible star because it does not interact with the luminous star.

Scientists are trying to understand the formation pathways of non-interacting black holes. In other words, the Earth would not be devoured by one of them.