Cougar Sinks Claws Into Wild Llama In Brutal Video From Torres del Paine National Park


Going for the Stone Cold Stunner…

Mountain lions, also known as pumas or cougars, are large feline predators native to the Americas. They are solitary animals who prefer to live in remote, rugged terrain such as forests, deserts, and mountains.

They are particularly common in South America as well, where they are known as pumas. In the Andes Mountains of South America, pumas are apex predators and play an important role in regulating the populations of deer and other herbivores.

Adult mountain lions can weigh up to 220 pounds, are about 4 feet long, and can jump up to 40 feet in a single leap.

Mountain lions are carnivores and primarily feed on deer, elk, and other mammals, but they have been known to attack domestic livestock and pets. Their hunting technique is to stalk and ambush their prey, using their excellent camouflage and stealthy movements to get as close as possible before pouncing.

Here we have a puma in Chile, who puts eyes on a guanaco, which is basically a type of wild llama native to South America.

Native to the Andean regions of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru, guanacos belong to the camelid family, which also includes llamas, alpacas, and vicuñas. Guanacos are known for their distinctive appearance, with long necks, slender legs, and a wooly coat that varies in color from beige to dark brown.

These animals are herbivores and graze on grasses, leaves, and herbs. They are able to survive in harsh and arid environments, such as the high Andes, due to their ability to extract moisture from the scarce vegetation they eat.

Guanacos live in social herds that range in size from a few individuals to several dozen. They have been domesticated by indigenous peoples of the Andes for thousands of years and are used for their wool, meat, and as pack animals.

Their wool is highly valued for its softness and warmth and is woven into high-quality textiles and clothing.

Their meat is also highly valued by the puma, as we can see in this video.

The folks behind the camera stumble upon a guanaco grazing in a field in Chile, but lurking nearby is a hungry puma who has one thing on its mind… dinner.

The stealthy puma sneaks in closer and closer before making its move, and by the time the wooly beast notices the puma in a dead sprint, it’s too late.

The puma leaps up, grabbing the guanaco by the head and hangs on for dear life. The guanaco rocks back and forth, trying to shake the big cat loose, but nothing doing. He hangs on like a rodeo cowboy holds on to a bucking bronc… and this cowboy is going the distance.

The puma eventually brings the guanaco to the ground, bites down hard on the neck, and dinner is served.

The video description describes the savage scene:

“The video was shot by my daughter just outside of Torres del Paine National Park in southern Chile.

The guanaco was probably twice as big as the puma. It was an awe-inspiring sight… cruel, but it was nature in action and the circle of life.

You can see the stealthy puma moving in at about 28 seconds into the video, and the charge begins just before 2 minutes. This trip was organized by Natural World Safaris through the Chilean group Quasar.”

Nature is not for the faint of heart.