Close Encounter: Ryanair Passenger Captures Shocking Footage as Mysterious Object Nearly Collides with Aircraft. A Harrowing Moment Sparks Urgent Questions and Fearful Speculation

A woman on a Ryanair flight filmed what  was the moment an unidentified object almost crashed into her plane.

The passenger, who wishes to remain anonymous, was flying out of Eindhoven Airport in The Netherlands, to Malaga in Spain.

A female passenger filmed the moment a mysterious object flew close to the plane’s wing

Around 10 minutes into the journey, she recorded a small black object flying close to the craft, then passing in and around the wing of the jet. Some have suggested that the UFO could be a bird or a drone. 

The object flew around the aircraft, passing underneath the wing

The video has been shared on YouTube by the Lions Ground news channel, and has been viewed almost 150,000 times.

‘Coincidentally, the passenger was recording because she enjoyed the view,’ the description reads.

The woman filmed the strange incident some 10 minutes after take-off from Eindhoven Airport

The release of the video has left people debating just what the object was; many say it was a bird or a drone

Lee Cox wrote: ‘I am going with a bird, but I couldn’t rule out a drone either, do they make drones in brown? I don’t think it’s extra-terrestrial though.’

And EvlisLivesOn adds: ‘It seems to travel fast as its travelling in the opposite direction.. probably large bird or drone.. plane is not that high.’