Clash for Survival: Lion Fights Valiantly to Defend Buffalo from Relentless Hyenas, but the Pack Overpowers

A lion realised he had bitten off more than he could chew when he briefly battled with a large hyena clan over a freshly killed buffalo in Naboisho Conservancy, Kenya.

The conflict in Naboisho Conservancy, Kenya saw the lion charge twice at the hyena clan to stop them from eating the dead buffalo carcass

He sprinted across for a second time and tackled one hyena to the ground while biting it


Another hyenas rushes to its defence by attempting to bite the lion’s tail and he soon realises there are too many to fight and decides to walk away, allowing the hyenas to return to their meal.

Clans of hyenas are capable of reducing carcasses to piles of splinters with their very powerful jaws.

The hyenas surrounded the lion and one rushed across and attempted to bite the lion’s tail

He knew he was severely outnumbered and decided it was no longer worth the trouble

Clans of hyenas are capable of reducing carcasses to piles of splinters with their very powerful jaws

Conflict between lions and hyenas is very common as the carnivores share the same habitat, hunt the same prey and scavenge the same remains of animals.