Centuripe is an Italian hamlet that is truly mesmerizing as it defies reality by taking on the form of a human being

Using a drone, 32-year-old Pio Andrea Peri took an interesting photo of the ancient village of Centuripe. Photo: @ Pio Andrea Peri.

A 32-year-old man named Pio Andrea Peri used a drone to photograph an entire ancient village in a town in Italy, and the results are amazing and unique.


Pio Andrea Peri, 32 years old, living in Giardini Naxos, Sicily, came up with the idea of ​​​​using a drone to capture the entire area of ​​​​the ancient village of Centuripe, which he discovered by accident on Google Earth. . Then he managed to move to the ancient village to start taking pictures.

The ancient village of Centuripe has only about 5,000 inhabitants and it is located on a hill, in the province of Enna, close to the volcano Etna. The village sits on a hill 730m above sea level, giving it a defensive position halfway between Catania and Enna. Even, due to his high position, the Italian general Giuseppe Garibaldi also called Centuripe the ‘balcony of Sicily’.

The layout of the village dates back to the sixteenth century, once famous for its picturesque alleys. The village is divided into areas, winding stairs going down the valley. Standing in the village, one can see the famous Mount Etna in the distance, as well as sweeping views of the surrounding breathtaking countryside.

Talking about the history of these photos, Pio Andrea Peri shared, after first discovering the strange shape on the Google Earth application, the 32-year-old man managed to move to the ancient village of Centuripe to start. take a photo.

Before creating the photos, Pio also carefully researched the geographical and weather details of the area to ensure that high winds would not affect the moment of taking photos. He started taking pictures from the drone by flying to an altitude of about 40 miles (more than 64,000m).

Pio Andrea Peri photographed the ancient village of Centuripe in Italy to reveal a strangely human-like form. The above photograph shows four long flares radiating in different directions like the arms and legs of an outstretched human figure, the shorter fifth making up the beginning of the period. animal.

Perry said: “It was quite a difficult and difficult scene to shoot, due to the limitation of approaching the altitude of the drone, I had to take many times with different tricks and stages to get the picture. image”.

Pio Andrea Peri said, after sharing on Instagram page on January 3, the photo attracted a lot of attention. It has been compared by netizens to many things, including a man, a pentagram, a bird with outstretched wings, and Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian character. However, the specialness of the photo makes some people not believe it is real.

“Some people were amazed at this strange shape, and many people didn’t believe it was real and they thought I drew the picture on the computer. But until these people found out the truth by searching on Google Earth the location and geographical features of the ancient village, many people apologized to me,” Pio Andrea Peri added.

“I’m proud of the photos and I’m happy with my results, I’m the one who made this work myself and I believe a lot in what I do.”Before the wave of photos went viral, the mayor of the old village town of Centuripe invited