Category: Rescue Animals
“You’ll Be Okay, Buddy” – Baby Zebra Finds Comfort Snuggling with Human Rescuers During Vet Trip After Being Found Alone
This little zebra is now named Shaq — but he almost didn’t survive. Shaq was just 3 weeks old when he was spotted in the wild in South Africa by people who realized that there was something seriously wrong with him. They contacted The Rhino Orphanage, a sanctuary and rehabilitation center for orphaned rhinos…
“Your Baby’s Here” – Heartwarming Moment a Mama Sloth Is Joyfully Reunited with Her Lost Baby After a Desperate Search
Costa Rica’s Jaguar Rescue Center made sure to get a baby sloth back to its mother using a tested technique the wildlife center created Rescuers reunited a baby sloth with its mother after the little animal accidentally ended up on the ground. On May 10, a baby three-toed sloth accidentally became separated from its mother…
After 20 Years at a Riding Camp, Restless Elephant Finds Comfort in Her Friend’s Gentle Trunk, Sharing a Healing Bond
After being rescued earlier this month from an elephant riding camp, where she spent the last 20 years, she still couldn’t even sleep. She’d been awake for about a week straight when rescuers brought her to her new home, Phuket Elephant Sanctuary in southern Thailand. She was so weak, people had to give her fluids…
You’re Safe Now: Rescuers Save Baby Deer from Sewer Grate, Reuniting It with Its Anxious Mother Waiting Nearby
The incident saw a happy ending when the fawn was freed from the grate it was stuck in. Images of the deer show that its back legs had fallen into the grate, leaving it immobilised and lying flat on the ground. The deer’s back legs had fallen through the grate. (Image: Facebook / North Olmsted…
“Help Me, Please!” Wild Sheep Trapped in Tree by Its Horns Rescued by Kind Jogger in a Heartwarming Act of Compassion
While oᴜt for a run with his son in the woods close to their home in Konin, Poland, Wlodarczyk encountered a wіɩd sheep in deѕрeгаte need of assistance. The animal had somehow gotten his large, сᴜгɩіпɡ һoгпѕ trapped around a tree and was evidently having tгoᴜЬɩe getting himself free. No one would have Ьɩаmed him…
Heartwarming Rescue: Joyful Deer Leaps Into Mother’s Embrace After Being Freed from the Grasp of a Metal Gate
In the quick clip by Hikeart, a man frees a baby deer ѕtᴜсk in a metal gate. The fawn quickly runs to its mama after being fгeed. Be sure and watch to the end to see the fawn reunite with her mother who anxiously watched the гeѕсᴜe! ɩeаⱱe the fawn where it is when you…
“Where Are You, Mother?” – Orphaned Baby Animal Clings to a Traffic Cone, Searching for Comfort and Love in Her Despair
This past June, a Good Samaritan was walking near Mountcharles Pier in Donegal, Ireland, when they noticed a bright orange traffic cone poking out from the marshy water along the coast. The passerby soon realized the heartbreaking truth. The baby was an orphaned seal pup, only a few days old, and she was clinging to…
Adorable Baby Fox Concon Melts Hearts: A Captivating Photo Series Showcasing the Irresistible Charm of Nature’s Cutest Treasure
A collection of images of cute little foxes that have become a hot topic on the internet. In a sense, baby animals are biological weapons. It’s so shockingly cute that you can’t help but get slapped on the back of the head. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.…
Grateful Long-Eared Owl Wraps Wings Around Veterinarian, Showing Deep Love and Trust for the Hero Who Saved His Life
This is a touching reunion between a great horned owl and a veterinarian. The eagle owl spreads its wings and hugs the veterinarian tightly, much like a human would. Even though it was a reunion, the veterinarian was only away on a trip for a short time, but he must have missed him irresistibly. Douglas…
Rescued Baby Lion Clings to His Favorite Blanket – A Cherished Bond That Continues to Warm His Heart Into Adulthood
Meet Lambert, an African lion that was rescued after being illegally purchased by a family who decided they really did not want him anymore. When Vicky Keahey, Lambert’s rescuer, very first saw him, he resembled a puppy dog greater than the magnificent lion, and she was happy to take him to her rescue ‘In-Sync-Exotics.’. ”…