Category: Animals
Heartwarming Rescue: Cute Baby Hippo Freed from Days-Long Struggle in Thick Mud Pool, Escaping Certain Death
An adorable baby hippo has been saved from certain death after it was trapped in a thick mud pool on its own for several days. The hippo, called Humpty, found herself stranded in a fast-drying swamp of mud and was surrounded by flailing catfish after being abandoned by her mother. But she was eventually spotted…
Nature’s Harsh Reality: Cheetah and Hyena Devour Impala in a Brutal Struggle for Survival, Where Feelings Don’t Exist
Sometimes, nature is not for the fainthearted. It can all seem so cruel how predators eat their prey, but nature is nature and it doesn’t have feelings. Sometimes, nature is not for the fainthearted. It can all seem so cruel how predators eat their prey, but nature is nature and it doesn’t have feelings. Animals…
Incredible Photos Capture Deadly Jackal Snagging Breakfast After Stealthily Hunting Birds at a Waterhole
Duck, grouse! Unsuspecting birds are grabbed by vicious jackal in South Africa Astonishing photos show the moment a deadly jackal catches its breakfast after hunting a group of unsuspecting birds drinking at a waterhole. Taken by photographer Elize Labuschagne-Hull, the photos show the jackal making its way to a group of nearby sand grouse before…
Angels are everywhere! The most beautiful friendships in the animal world will melt your heart in a way that humans can’t explain
Animal lovers from around the world have been sharing the adorable snaps of the unlikely furry friends who will melt your һeагt. From an ostrich napping with a baby elephant in Kenya to a raccoon and a Chihuahua hugging, Bored Panda have collated the cutest pictures of the pairings in an online gallery. In one snap, taken…
Extraordinary Encounter: Pod of Killer Whales Assists Stranded Humpback in a Rare Display of Cooperation
The incredible moment a pod of killer orcas helped free a trapped humpback has been caught on video. The remarkable nature encounter was captured off the Western Australian south coast near Bremer Bay on January 10. It was a ‘rescue’ that stunned onlookers because orcas often feast on humpbacks in the ocean – injured or…
Giant Anaconda Engages in Brutal Battle with Deadly Caiman—Who Will Prevail in This Epic Fight for Survival?
Remarkable pictures have captured an extremely rare battle between a caiman and an anaconda in Brazil. The snake wrapped itself around the caiman in what turned out to be a dramatic 40-minute fight for survival on the banks of the Cuiabá River. Shocking photos captured the moment a vicious caiman sunk its teeth into an anaconda…
Predator Becomes Prey: Anaconda Crushes Caiman in a Deadly ‘Fatal Hug’ in the Amazon Rainforest
A giant anaconda was spotted crushing a caiman to death, coiling itself around the predator in a ‘fatal hug’. The huge snake tightly wraps itself around the caiman as the beast seems to helplessly groan in pain. The reptiles are intertwined, half submerged in the water, as the snake strangles its victim The anaconda coils…
TAKE THAT! Dramatic Moment Buffalo Launches Lion into the Air During Intense Hunt
THIS lion is flipped several metres into the air by a charging buffalo trying to save the life of another herd member. Two young lions had been silently stalking the buffalo for about 45 minutes when one finally made its move – but the predator was so focused on bringing down his prey that he…
“Be careful next time” – Baby Elephant Narrowly Escapes Crocodile’s Clutches at Watering Hole—Mom’s Timely Rescue Ensures a Dramatic Survival
In a real-life version of Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories, this calf had been splashing around in the shallow end of a watering hole in the African bush, when the crocodile launched out of the water and clamped down on his trunk. Ready to strike: A baby elephant drinks at a watering hole in the…
The hunger is over! Adorable orphan boy drinks milk from bottle after being found wandering in the wilderness without his mother
An adorable bear cub was found ɩoѕt in the wilderness without his mother by a Turkish гeѕсᴜe centre in Hakkari, a nearby province on the Turkish border with Iraq. The baby bear, called ‘Hakvan’, is pictured guzzling from a milk bottle after his гeѕсᴜe. Photos show him being nursed back to health after his solo…