Captivating UFO Footage: ‘Spinning Triangle with Fiery Thruster’ Captured, Former US Intelligence Officer Hints at Possible Extraterrestrial Origin - Media News 48

Captivating UFO Footage: ‘Spinning Triangle with Fiery Thruster’ Captured, Former US Intelligence Officer Hints at Possible Extraterrestrial Origin

Shocking footage captured the moment the UFO flew over Cerro, Havana, while seemingly ablaze as residents watched on in fear.

The UFO appeared to be equipped with fiery rotating thrusters

The UFO appeared to be equipped with fiery rotating thrustersCredit: JamPress

It transformed into a fireball as it spun through the sky in Havana, Cuba

It transformed into a fireball as it spun through the sky in Havana, CubaCredit: JamPress

Illuminated by the red-hot glow, the UFO seems to begin tumbling through the air uncontrollably after loitering for a few seconds.

The blazing thruster then appears to transform into an unstoppable fireball as it continues to rotate.

Cuban journalist Juan Manuel Cao, 62, shared his thoughts on the strange sighting on his AmericaTeVe Miami channel.

He told viewers: “It’s the closest thing to a flying saucer I’ve ever seen and it’s not a dot in the sky, it’s clearly visible.”

The clip has also been applauded by bigwigs in the UFO community across the world.

Monterey UFOs wrote: “Amazing!”

Grusch is a former intelligence officer with top-secret clearance who claimed that the United States recovered non-human crafts and attempted to reverse-engineer them.

A former US intelligence offer suggested it could be an alien aircraft

A former US intelligence offer suggested it could be an alien aircraftCredit: JamPress


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