Broken But Not Defeated: A Compassionate Team’s Tireless Effort to Save a Pigeon With a Broken Neck Inspires Hope

Few animals are as under appreciated – or outright maligned – as the countless pigeons with whom we share our cities and suburbs. But fortunately there are people who believe that, no matter how common, every one of those humble birds is still very much worth saving.

This fledgling baby pigeon was rescued last month by two pedestrians who found her injured on a sidewalk in Oakland, California. Seeing her twisted neck, they weren’t sure at first if she was even alive – until she began to peep.

Soon after, an X-ray revealed that pigeon had suffered a broken neck, perhaps by crashing on her maiden flight, or at the hands of a cruel person who’d discovered her vulnerable on the ground.

That part would take some improvising. The pigeon’s caretakers devised a neck brace out of padding used for casts and pink medical wrap, light enough so she could still walk around as she healed.

Given the seriousness of the injury, WildCare staff expected her recovery to take weeks, if not months. But the pigeon proved them wrong.

Four days later, while refitting the neck brace, it was discovered that the bird was now able to hold her head up nearly all the way.

In the days that followed, the injured pigeon continued to wear a sleeker, yellow neck brace until she healed more completely. But by the tenth day, she was already strong enough to join two other young pigeons and to feed on her own.

And her health just kept on improving.

It’s been just over two weeks now since the little pigeon was first rescued from the verge of death, and her recovery is virtually complete.

She no longer even needs a neck brace, or any medication.

The pigeon will spend the next two months in WildCare’s aviary, learning to fly along with other rescued birds like her. Afterward she’ll be released to start her life anew.

When asked why so much time and effort should be devoted to helping a bird who, for some folks, carries no value whatsoever, Piazza answers simply:

“It’s just the right thing to do. If there’s a life that’s suffering, and we can help make it better, that’s what we can do to make the world a better place. It might not matter to to the world as a whole, but it matters to that individual animal.”