Boomerang K-17 Infantry Fighting Vehicle

??m???n? K-17 is ? n?w 8×8 in??nt?? ?i?htin? v?hicl? (IFV) ??in? ??v?l???? ?? ? R?ssi?n ??m????? v?hicl? m?n???ct???? Milit??? In??st?i?l C?m??n? (VPK).

Th? B??m???n? ??m????? v?hicl? will ?? ??????? in K-16 ??m????? ???s?nn?l c???i?? (APC) ?n? K-17 IFV v??i?nts. Th? IFV is ??si?n?? t? ?n???? m??il? ?n? st?ti?n??? ????n? t????ts, l?w-?l?in? ?i?c???t, h?lic??t??s ?n? ?nm?nn?? ???i?l v?hicl?s (UAVs).

Th? B??m???n? ??m????? v?hicl?s will ?? ??liv???? t? th? R?ssi?n A?m?, ???n th? c?m?l?ti?n ?? st?t? t?sts in 2021/2022.

B??m???n? ??m????? v?hicl? ??v?l??m?nt

R?s?????n?x???t, ? ???t ?? th? R?st?c St?t? C??????ti?n, c?mm?nc?? ???m?ti?n ?? B??m???n? ?niv??s?l c?m??t ?l?t???m in A??il 2020.

B??m???n? w?s ???s?nt?? ?t th? ARMY-2020 ????m in A???st 2020. VPK ??c?iv?? th? ?????v?l t? ?x???t th? v?hicl?.

D?si?n ?n? ???t???s ?? B??m???n? K-17 IFV

Th? in??nt?? ?i?htin? v?hicl? is m?nn?? ?? th??? c??w m?m???s incl??in? ? c?mm?n???, ? ??nn?? ?n? ? ??iv??. It h?s th? c???cit? t? c???? ?? t? ?i?ht in??nt??m?n in th? t???? c?m???tm?nt.

Th? ??nn??’s si?ht ?n? c?mm?n???’s si?ht ?? th? v?hicl? will ?? c?m?in?? with in????n??nt st??ilis?ti?n ?? th? ?i?l? ?? vi?w in tw? ?l?n?s.

T????s c?n ?m???k ?n? ?is?m???k th????h ? hin??? ??m? in th? ???? ?? th? h?ll. Th? v?hicl? ???t???s ?l?st-??sist?nt s??ts with ? ??liv??? link ?n? ?iv?-??int s??t ??lts.

B??m???n? K-17 ??m?m?nt

Th? B??m???n? K-16 v??i?nt is ??m?? with ? 12.7mm m?chin? ??n ?n ? ??m?t?l? ?????t?? t????t m??ntin? ? s?ns?? ?????.

Th? B??m???n? K-17 IFV is ?itt?? with ? ??m?t?l? c?nt??ll?? w????n st?ti?n ??m?? with ? 2A42 30mm ??t?m?tic c?nn?n, ? 7.62mm c??xi?l m?chin? ??n ?n? ???? ?nti-t?nk missil?s.

Th? K-17 BMP ??i??? missil? ??m?m?nt c?m?l?x c?m??is?s tw? twin ATGM l??nch??s ?? th? K??n?t-D ?nti-t?nk missil?. Th? m?xim?m ?i?in? ??n?? ?? th? K??n?t-D missil?s is ?????xim?t?l? 10,000m.

Th? ?n-????? in???m?ti?n ?n? c?nt??l s?st?m will t??ns???m th? ?ni?i?? ?l?t???m int? ? ?niv??s?l ??s? v?hicl? t? c?nn?ct ?n? c?nt??l v??i??s s?st?ms s?ch ?s w????n s?st?ms, c?nt??l s?st?ms, ?n? t?chn?l??ic?l ???i?m?nt.

Th? m????n ?i?it?l ?i?? c?nt??l s?st?m will h?v? th? c???cit? t? c?nt??l w????ns ?n? c?n??ct ?im?? ?i??. Th? s?st?m will inc??????t? ? tw?-?l?n? w????n st??ilis??, ?n? ? m?lti-ch?nn?l ?l?ct??-??tic?l si?htin? s?st?m with ? ??ilt-in l?s?? ??n???in???.

All-??? ??t?m?t?? c?nt??l s?st?m will ?? ??l? t? ??????m ??t?m?tic s???ch ??? t????ts sim?lt?n???sl? in ?i?????nt s??ct??l ??n??s in ??ssiv? ?n? ?ctiv? m???s. It c?n ?ls? s???ch ?n? ??t?ct m?sk?? t????ts with ?n ??tic?l l?c?t?? ?n? sim?lt?n???sl? ?n???? tw? t????ts.

Th? v?hicl? will ?ls? ?? inst?ll?? with m????n s?st?ms incl??in? ? ci?c?l?? vi??? ??vi?w s?st?m ?n? ?i?it?l c?mm?nic?ti?ns.

En?in? ?n? m??ilit?

Th? ??m????? v?hicl? is ??w???? ?? Y?MZ-780 ????-st??k? t????ch????? ?i?s?l ?n?in? with ? m?xim?m ??w?? ??t??t ?? 551h?. Th? ?n?in? c?n ??n???t? ? m?xim?m t????? ?? 2,550Nm ?t 1,600??m.

Th? ??w??-?l?nt will ?ll?w th? v?hicl? t? ?tt?in ? m?xim?m s???? ?? 100km/h ?n? ? m?xim?m ??n?? ?? 800km. It c?n t??v?l ?t 10km/h s???? wh?n ??l??t whil? th? ?v????? s???? ?? th? v?hicl? ?n ? ??? ?i?t? ???? will ?? 60km/h.

Th? B??m???n? K-17 IFV ?????s ? ????n? cl????nc? ?? 450mm ?n? c?n c??ss ???? ?itch?s with ? m?xim?m wi?th ?? 2.2m. Th? ?n?l? ?? ??????ch/?????t??? ?? th? v?hicl? is 30?.