Awesome Nature: 2 Alaskan Brown Bears Get Into Marathon Brawl At Lake Clark National Park

Whenever we’re out in nature, we tend to only get to observe the beauty of it.

As awesome as that is, there’s always a much darker, more violent side to it that we rarely get to witness, but it’s the reality of it.

Hunting and fighting is a major aspect of survival for wildlife, and it truly is survival of the fittest. So, that’s why it’s always great to have people who witness moments like these, and capture the harsh reality of it all.

During mating season, we tend to see males get into brutal fights with each other, that at times can be a battle to the death, in an effort to assert dominance and prove that they’re a worthy mate to breed with.

We tend to see this most often with male bears.

With that being said, a wildlife tour guide at Lake Clark National Park and Preserve in southwest Alaska was able to capture one of these wild scenes all on video, while guiding a group in the park recently.

In this video, you can see two Alaskan brown bears strutting around each other.

Next thing you know, they get into a brutal fight with one another. They go on for several minutes, until you see the one bear that appears to be much older than the other pin the other to the ground, continuing to bite and claw.

However, the younger bear doesn’t give up that easily, and continues to fight, but ultimately the older bear appears to have the upper hand.

Finally, they ease off each other.

The guide wrote in the caption:

“This is the longest, most intense bear interaction I have ever witnessed in my 25 years of guiding on the Alaska peninsula.”