Author: Hei
Close Call: Hungry Young Leopard Loses Its Prey in a Daring Chase as Zebra Escapes with a Powerful Kick
These stunning pictures show a young leopard in Kenya learning a hard lesson as he tried and failed to pounce on a topi and a zebra. The juvenile leopard was positioned lying perfectly still in the rocks of a waterhole used by potential prey, before launching out at a 150kg topi antelope three times its…
“Renacer de la Esperanza” — Perrito Demacrado Encontrado Bajo un Puente Florece Tras una Increíble Recuperación
Un perro puede traer tanta felicidad a nuestras vidas que a veces resulta increíble cómo algunas personas pueden ser tan crueles con estas criaturas indefensas. A pesar de todo, el abandono, el maltrato y la negligencia de los perros siguen ocurriendo todos los días. Antes de llevarlo al refugio de animales de Nueva York, estas…
“Un Hogar en Cada Rincón” — Estación de Autobuses Transforma Neumáticos en Camitas para Dar Calor y Refugio a Perritos Sin Hogar
Durante el invierno y en épocas de frío y lluvia, muchos animales se preparan para hibernar, ellos pasan gran parte del año almacenando comida y acondicionando sus nidos para resguardarse del frío que está por venir. A estos menos afortunados se les ha da un lugar cálido para poner sus cabezas por la noche. Estos…
“Hello, Little One!” — Residents Find an Unexpected Visitor Peeking from a Manhole, Bringing a Heartwarming Moment of Surprise and Tenderness
As the founder of Logan’s Legacy, Suzette Hall aims to save as many dogs as possible in the Los Angeles area. The pup, a 6-month-old golden retriever mix, hid discreetly under a residential neighborhood for weeks before anyone noticed her. Most people walked past her without noticing, until one day, a dog lover spotted her…
“My Best Friend is a Puma” — Messi the Gentle Puma Finds Love and a Forever Home After Losing His Place in the Wild
Mariya and Aleksandr Dmitriev share a one-bedroom apartment with one of the biggest names in soccer – Messi. No not the star himself, but his namesake – a 90lb puma. The Russian couple first spotted Messi at the Saransk Zoo in Penza when he was just eight-months-old and decided that they had to have him.…
“You’re Perfect Just as You Are” — Baby Pink Elephant Finds Love and Acceptance Within Her Herd, Cherished for Her Unique Beauty
The adorable baby albino was seen flapping its ears and playing around by the edge of the river, surrounded by its family in the herd. It sounds like a joke, but this little elephant is absolutely real, and has stunned wildlife fans with its pale pink skin colouring For a family day out, this little…
“Stay With Me, Little One” — Kind Man Rescues Frozen Kingfisher, Holding It Close Until Its Tiny Heart Beats Again
The video is a perfect example of a touch of warmth in adverse situations, which everybody needs their lives. A heartwarming video of a bird rescue is going viral on social media and the warmth from the video is all we need in this cold winter. Well, for us and for the bird. A beautiful,…
Perra embarazada, maltratada y en peligro, necesita cirugía urgente para salvar la vida de sus cachorros
Roma es una adorable cachorrita que enfrentó una situación muy difícil. Mientras estaba súper embarazada, su dueño la golpeó y la echó de la casa. Asustada y sin saber qué hacer, decidió quedarse frente a la casa y llorar en la puerta, esperando que el dueño la acogiera nuevamente. Sin embargo, el dueño no respondió…
Cachorrito Pitty no dejaba de temblar hasta que encontró un gatito con quien disfrutaba sus pequeñas luchas
Esta vez, estaban preparados para el desafío de salvar una pequeña vida. Cuando conocieron a Pumpkin, un cachorro Pitty de dos meses , el perrito aterrorizado temblaba de la cabeza a los pies. Little Pumpkin se encontró con un destino desafortunado justo al comienzo de su vida. Tenía apenas dos meses y ya tuvo que…
Starving Dog Mom and Her Tiny Babies Found Clinging to Hope, Desperately Needing Food and Shelter
Living in horrible conditions, with no food and shelter, Sadie, a stray dog momma, gave birth to seven babies. She was absolutely desperate for some help, as she, herself, couldn’t take care of her puppies alone. The vet, Denisa, confirmed that four of her puppies had already crossed the rainbow bridge. There were now only…