Author: Hei
Perrita Rescatada Se Aferra con Todo Su Corazón a la Mujer Que la Lleva en Su Auto, Como Sabiendo que por Fin Está a Salvo
Reba es una linda perrita que hacía vida en las calles. No se sabe cómo llegó allí, pero lo que sí es seguro es que cada vez le quedaban menos fuerzas para vivir. Cuando vieron un pequeño animal acurrucado en la carretera, pensaron que era un ciervo, no una perrita. Su única fuente de alimento…
Perrita de solo 6 meses recibe ayuda justo cuando la negligencia casi apaga su pequeña esperanza de vivir
Lamentablemente, no es poco frecuente enterarnos de animalitos que caen en manos de personas despreocupadas e irresponsables, que olvidan que tienen bajo su cuidado una vida a la que deben atender. La perrita fue trasladada hasta Broome Pound de forma gratuita por una organización llamada Jetpets, que se dedica, entre otras cosas, a brindar una…
After a Lifetime of Waiting, 12-Year-Old Shelter Dog Rescued From ‘House of Horrors’ Hopes for One Loving Home
“How long had she been waiting for help?” “At 12-years-old, Chessie was abandoned in a house of horrors,” the PSPCA wrote in a Facebook post. Earlier this year, the PSPCA’s animal law enforcement team received a tip from a Good Samaritan about a group of animals living in filthy conditions nearby. When rescuers arrived at…
‘A Little Miracle’ — Turtle Walks Away Unharmed After Crashing Through Car Windshield, Leaving Rescuers In Awe
While traveling down a Florida roadway last week, Lori Hall-Allen got the shock of a lifetime. In an instant — and with a jarring crash — something had smashed through the vehicle’s windshield. “I thought somebody shot at us, so it was very scary at first,” Hall-Allen later said. “But when I opened my eyes…
Lion Faces Heart-Wrenching Loss After Failed Food Heist — Can Emergency Care Save His Fertility?
He woп’t do that аɡаіп! Lion loses a TESTICLE after lionesses аttасk him for trying to ѕteаɩ their food This lion ᴜрѕet a pride of lionesses and ɩoѕt a testicle for his tгoᴜЬɩe after they рoᴜпсed on him for trying to take food from their young. A lion ɩoѕt a testicle after he tried to…
Daylight Encounter: Viral Footage of ‘UFO’ Hovering Over Gas Station Sparks Frenzied Debate on Alien Presence
In viral video, a flying saucer-style is seen in a fixed position in the sky as bystanders at a gas station trained their cellphone cameras on it. Residents in the south central Mexican town of Cuernavaca claimed to have recorded the moment a UFO appeared hovering near a gas station in broad daylight A resident in…
Battle of the Young: Gazelle Faces Cheetah Cub’s Relentless Strikes — Will Size Alone Decide This Fierce Showdown?
We, a group of eager wildlife enthusiasts, were on a game dгіⱱe, our eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of the magnificent creatures that called this land home. Little did we know that we were about to wіtпeѕѕ a raw and Ьгᴜtаɩ display of nature’s survival instincts. An adult female, her sleek coat shimmering…
“De la Calle al Calor del Hogar” — Perrito que Dormía en una Caja Renace Gracias al Amor que Lo Transformó
La rescatadora de perros Desy Morgenstern estaba recientemente en motocicleta por Bali cuando vio a un cachorro de aspecto angustiado al costado de la carretera. Preocupada, se detuvo para ayudar. En un intento por rescatarla, Morgenstern le dio golosinas y trató de ponerle una correa. Pero el perro se escapó, lo que llevó a Morgenstern…
Senior dog silently cries for loving home, but his adopters shun him for heartbreaking reason
Although many dogs experience difficult times every day for various reasons, stereotypes are often the main cause of their suffering. From the common belief that pit bulls are not adoptable to that older dogs are worthless, many of these stereotypes often lead to heartbreaking situations. According to a Facebook post by Philozoia, an animal welfare…
“Pequeño Milagro” — Perrito Conmueve a Veterinarios al Recuperarse y Renacer Después de Ser Abandonado en una Bolsa
Un perrito es ese amigo incondicional que siempre estará para alegrarnos, regocijarnos con su lealtad y demostrarnos el más puro amor. Si bien no para de sorprendernos la crueldad de algunas personas y la constante necesidad de tratar mal a los animalitos, creemos profundamente que son muchísimas más las personas de buen corazón que apuestan…