Author: Hei
“Temblando y Sin Esperanza” — Un Cachorro Abandonado Encuentra en un Humano Amable la Fuerza Para Renacer y Ser Feliz
Es desgarrador que tantos caninos enfrenten el sentimiento de abandono y rechazo en una etapa temprana de su vida. Justo cuando más necesitan amor y compasión, sus desalmados dueños los abandonan y los dejan a su suerte. En el momento en que los rescatistas notaron al cachorro que buscaba comida en la basura, se les…
“My First Taste of Love” — Elephant Who Spent Life Carrying Tourists Finally Finds Joy and Companionship in a Peaceful Retirement
To try and make her behave, the mahouts (people who work and ride elephants in Southeast Asia) would beat her with a sharp nail on a piece of bamboo, leaving huge welts on her sensitive skin. Even with the constant beatings, the elephant – Mae Kam – refused to behave. Before she was forced to…
“Can I Be Your Friend?” — Orphaned Baby Elephant Learns to Use Her Trunk and Finds Her First True Friendship
An orphaned baby elephant, recently rescued and placed in a wildlife sanctuary, is melting hearts as she learns to navigate life on her own, including mastering the use of her trunk. Abandoned at a young age, this little elephant had not yet fully developed the skills most young elephants learn from their mothers. Trunks are…
“He warmed up the stones it picked up, thinking they were eggs” – Orphaned Chick Finds a Surprising New Dad in a Bald Eagle Who Once Guarded a Stone, Now Embraces New Life
Well, last time we reported on a male bald eagle that continued to warm up the stones it picked up, thinking they were eggs , but it seems like there has been some progress since then. Murphy, a bald eagle, is blind in one eye and cannot be released back into the wild, so he…
Senior Rescue Dog Finds Joy in Being a Puppy Again, Thanks to the Love of His New Family
Eugene is a dog whose life wasn’t as pleasant as he would have wanted it. He is 12 years old and suffering from a skin allergy issue. Eugene recently found a forever home where he needed some time to make himself feel comfortable. When he arrived at his forever home, Eugene was extremely overwhelmed and…
Su dueño quería sacrificarlo, pero un veterinario conmovido le regaló una nueva oportunidad de vida y felicidad
Por negligencia o porque las mascotas envejecen, hay familias que de verdad creen que es muy fácil cerrar para siempre los ojos de un perro o un gato. Emu fue el protagonista de una historia muy cruel, asociada con esta actitud. Aquí es donde todo estaba a punto de cambiar para Emu. Encontró una familia…
Ocho cachorros desnutridos luchan por vivir, esperando un milagro tras ser abandonados en una tormenta de nieve
De todos es conocida la tremenda ola de frío que ha invadido al Hemisferio Norte en los últimos días, y que ha causado grandes desastres en los servicios básicos, e incluso cobrado vidas humanas y animales que han quedado expuestos a las bajas temperaturas. Esta situación se ha hecho aún más patente en los Estados Unidos, sobre…
Little Trunk of Hope — People Spot Tiny Elephant Reaching Out From Mud Pit, Desperate for a Second Chance at Life
Visitors driving across Kenya’s Tsavo East National Park spotted something in the mud, they slowed and saw a tiny trunk moving. It was a baby elephant who was obviously exhausted and in desperate need of help. Rescuers also noticed tracks in the mud where a mother elephant had obviously tried tirelessly to pull her baby…
Fearless Duel: A Defiant Honey Badger Faces Africa’s King Lion in a Life-or-Death Showdown — Who Will Prevail?
The іпсіdeпt took place on a safari in South Africa, where the small badgers found themselves confronted by the mighty “Kings of the Jungle” on a dirt road. Rather than fleeing from the іпtіmіdаtіпɡ lions, the courageous badgers stood their ground. They hissed and snarled at the lions with such feгoсіtу that the trio became…
Broken Yet Brave: Nina the Elephant, Blinded by Cruelty, Finds Hope and Healing Amid Her Painful Past
A TORTURED elephant used for begging and as a prop for wedding processions was “intentionally blinded” by its cruel owners. Nina was held in chains and intentionally blinded by her owners, experts say The elephant’s eyeballs have collapsed or sunken after years of abuse Initially, the abused elephant showed signs of PTSD such as severe…