assionate Lunar Photographer Creates Captivating and Reflective Art Inspired by the Moon

Brazilian photographer Daniel Antoniol conjures mesmerizing images that defy reality, seamlessly melding the mundane with the surreal. In his captivating photographic series, the moon becomes an object of whimsical interaction – Daniel appears to engage in an impromptu game of football with the celestial orb, and astonishingly, to stow it away in the trunk of his car.

Within the realm of Daniel’s artistic vision, the manipulation of perspective becomes his ingenious brushstroke. Through his adept mastery, the moon is transformed into a diminutive spectacle akin to a mere lightbulb, seemingly weightless enough to be cradled in one’s hand.

Yet, his visual enchantments don’t cease there. We see him wheeling the moon along in a wheelbarrow, deftly affixing it to a light fixture, and even hoisting it aloft within a sturdy crate. With each click of his camera, Daniel Antoniol beckons us into a realm where the extraordinary is commonplace and the laws of physics bend to his artistic will.

His love affair with the moon began during lockdown in 2020, while he was stuck at his parents’ countryside farm in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil.

The 36-year-old said: ‘The moon was a great companion during the Covid pandemic and it was with her that I managed, even in lockdown, to go out to travel the world and the universe with my imagination.’

While he now works as a civil engineer by day, Daniel has always been passionate about photography.

During these isolated pandemic days, he looked skywards for inspiration. ‘The idea came to me to combine it with another passion; the moon and the universe,’ he said.

It can take several days for Daniel to set up a shot before he has a frame he’s happy with.

He said: ‘I take pictures of the moon in all its phases, it’s a real passion.’

The photos themselves take a few hours to complete, as capturing the moon in sharp focus is no easy feat.

After that, Daniel uses a collage technique to insert the moon into the original photograph. ‘A complete job, from photography to treatment, usually takes no more than a day or two,’ he said.

To get these amazing images Daniel uses a Canon T6 with a 75-300mm lens for the moon and a 18-55mm lens for the scenery.

Over the years, Daniel’s photos have become quite successful, but he ‘doesn’t dream of being a celebrity’.

‘[The photos] convey peace. This is my biggest goal with this artwork.

‘Unfortunately going to the moon is an impossible dream. But through art, I can take people there with me.

‘My goal on social media has always been to bring people good energy… My dream is to immortalize my art and the Moon has made it possible.‘