Area 51’s Vanishing Act: Rare Photos Capture the Eerie Disappearance of a Mysterious Giant Hangar. In a Stunning Twist, the Enigmatic Structure Fades into Thin Air, Defying All Logic

RARE pictures show inside Area 51 and reveal that a mysterious giant hangar has suddenly vanished.

The images were captured by private pilot Gabe Zeifman, who flew along the border of the base after receiving permission to pass through the highly restricted airspace surrounding it.

A picture taken by private pilot Gabe Zeifman in April this year shows a hangar inside Area 51

A picture of the same site taken in July shows the hangar has vanished

Zeifman captured the images during a number of flights in the airspace around the baseCredit: Gabriel Zeifman

A runway can be seen next to a number of buildings forming part of the baseCredit: Gabriel Zeifman

It is the third time Zeifman has been able to fly so close to the base, a highly classified Air Force facility rumored to house aliens and UFOs.

Among the fascinating images he has captured are before and after shots appearing to show the disappearance of a mysterious hangar in one part of the base.

The pilot has to request permission to fly near the highly restricted airbaseCredit: Gabriel Zeifman

The airspace around Area 51 is highly restrictedCredit: Gabriel Zeifman

Many conspiracy theories exist about what goes on at the baseCredit: Gabriel Zeifman

Zeifman, who is an air traffic controller and has been flying since he was a teen, had to ask special permission to cross through the restricted Area 51 airspace, according to Mystery Wire.