Area 51 Reveals Enigmatic Trials of Giant Alien Robots, Spotted in Google Earth Imagery

Google Earth, the gift that keeps on giving. A self-titled expert in ufology has uncovered the strangest, most surprising thing happening at Area 51 in Nevada, U.S. and, yes, it has to do with aliens and giant robots and a possible ploy to take over the world.

Conspiracy theories often rely on “evidence” obtained through Google Earth, and this self-titled expert in ufology believes to have uncovered the most shocking piece in recent years. Hold off storming Area 51, because now we know what the U.S. government is hiding there: at least two giant robots, most definitely of alien origins.

Scott C. Waring is the self-titled ufologist and he documents his and others’ findings on a variety of blogs, including UFO Sightings Daily. Last week, he posted his own discovery, which came about as he was trawling Google Earth. Put in the exact coordinates of Area 51 (37°13’26.26″N 115°49’2.37”W) and use the time-lapse feature, and you will see at least two robots roaming about.

They’re giant, Waring repeatedly says but, for whatever reason, they seem to prefer lying on the ground. That it is to say, they move around a lot, as revealed by photos, but they’re always flat or sideways on the ground, as opposed to standing upright.

“I found a 16 meter [52.4-foot] dark figure in Area 51 and there seems to be another to the right of it, but shorter. When I checked through the past photos of that location, I notice that the figure actually moves onto its side, then changes its poses each photo! It actually moves,” Waring says.

He theorizes that these giant robots are alien builds that have been captured by the U.S. military and are being tested with the goal of “one day [being] used in combat missions.” He also says that “these guys,” meaning the military, have been watching too much Transformers, which is all sorts of hilarious considering the conclusions he draws himself.

“Knowledge is power, and power belongs to the people,” Waring says on a final note. In other words, if the military has these giant alien robots, the entire world should know about them. Mission accomplished because here’s the video “proving” their existence.
