Are Biological UFOs Visitors from Other Dimensions or Parallel Realities? Unraveling the Mysteries of Extraterrestrial Life



In an article posted on January 27, 2018, we discussed Biological UFOs, showcasing many images of different types of biological entities such as zeroids, archons, ebani and flying rods.

Image shows some of the biological UFOs taken from our 2018 article

Now, the theory that some UFOs may be biological entities, which may populate the recesses of free space, possibly originating from another dimension, is not a new one.

Video on Youtube: Astronauts report squid-like entity floating in space

Jacques Vallée, a renowned computer scientist and ufologist, proposed a theory that UFOs and related phenomena might be manifestations of beings from other dimensions or parallel realities existing at different frequencies from our own.

These entities, according to Vallée, may not necessarily be extraterrestrial but could belong to a reality operating under different physical laws. This hypothesis suggests that the phenomenon of alien visitors might originate not from our physical reality or outer space but from alternate realities or parallel universes.

Video on Youtube: Possible biological UFO filmed from passenger plane

Possible biological UFO seen over Iraq

Analyst Bob Spearing of MUFON recently spilled the beans to Daily Mail about these mysterious aerial objects. MUFON has studied drawings and photographs dating back to the 1970s of “squid-like objects” floating in the sky

Image left: squid like entity spotted in Russia 1977 (credit MUFON)

Image right: squid like entity spotted in Denmark 1975 (credit MUFON)

These bioforms, living beings, are not only floating in our sky but also for example orbiting the moon, potentially populating the recesses of free space and the cosmic void, remain a mystery.