Antonov An-225 – The World’s Largest Aircraft | Full Documentary

With the six powerful engines, loads of up to 250 tons are no problem for the Antonov An-225. The plane was originally intended to take the Soviet Buran space shuttle back from its landing site to the Baikonur spaceport in Kazakhstan. After the end of the space program, Antonov Airlines converted the An-225 into a cargo plane. The next order: the transport of twelve electrical transformers from Chile across the Andes to Bolivia with twelve flights in just four weeks.

So sad to see that this masterpiece of engineering has left this world due to conflict. Something i’d never expected to see in my life…

In eastern Japan earthquake, An-225 transported massive supplies and concrete pump to Japan. It saved literally thousands lives. So many air enthusiasts in Japan loved An-225. Rest in peace, Mriya. Hope you’ll get repaired and fly again.

Just imagining the calculation done for designing this plane is mind blowing.Hats off to the engineers who designed this plane.