Ancient Flying Machine Discovered in Underground Chamber – Srirangam Temple, India - Media News 48

Ancient Flying Machine Discovered in Underground Chamber – Srirangam Temple, India

One of these vaults contained a small aircraft, a 10-foot tall metallic Vimana, an ancient flying machine, which made a rattling sound when moved

What you’re about to see at the end of this article is actual footage of a secret chamber in the ancient temple of Sriangam in India.



This secret chamber of at least 2000 years-old was discovered in 2015 and contains many ancient secrets and enigmas. Right after the opening of this chamber, authorities immediately closed it and sealed it, which means that access to it is completely denied. What has been found inside this chamber that led authorities to forbid access to it? Well, what you’re going to read next is the testimony of several locals about the events that took place during the discovery of the chamber.

Before 2015, the entrance to the chamber was completely closed, with two doors made of granite stone blocks. Authorities eventually managed to enter the chamber. If we take a look at two doors at the entrance we can see a conical sign pointing bellow to the underground. We can deduce that these symbols refer to something occult and extremely important and maybe this is what motivated authorities to finally break into the room. We already said that this chamber is at the underground level. However, another chamber was discovered bellow the first one, and inside it, something extraordinary has been found.



One of these vaults contained a small aircraft, a 10-foot tall metallic Vimana, an ancient flying machine, which made a rattling sound when moved. We already know what happened next. Authorities banned the area and denied access to it. Why would you prohibit access to a place unless there is something important there that you want to keep secret… Unfortunately, there is no actual footage of the second chamber. Why didn’t they show the people what they have found?


It is logical to think that something very ancient and important has been found inside those chambers. Because, had they been empty, there was no need to seal off everything. The following video that you will see next, confirms that authorities have found not only the chamber but many more nearby it that were eventually closed.



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